Jersey UriInfo /Jersey _at_Path

From: António Mota <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 10:43:01 +0000


I'm new in here, I'm developing a REST infrastructure for our internal
applications based basically on Spring Integration. I only
"discovered" Jersey in the middle of the project and started using
parts of it, so now my project is a mix of SI and Jersey. Basically,
SI for the communication and server-side handling and Jersey for the
connectors/resources side.

So in this context I have some questions:

1) It seems that Jersey is tightly coupled with Glassfish, in a way
hat is only partially usable on other platforms, like in my case
JBoss. For instance, UriInfo being a "injectable interface" will not
work anywhere besides Glassfish, or am I wrong?

2) I'm relying heavily on the Jersey annotations and the
AbtractResource and SubResources to match the templates with my
resource's methods. I have a problem with this situation:

        Object read(@PathParam("entity")String entity, @PathParam("key")String key);

        Object getQuery(@PathParam("queryname")String queryName,
@MatrixParam("queryparams")Map<String, String> params);

From what I saw until now, the same URI will always be matched by
these two paths, is there any way to distinguish between a "fixed"
part of the uri and a "variable" one?

 Thanks for your help.


Melhores cumprimentos / Beir beannacht / Best regards

António Manuel dos Santos Mota