Re: [Jersey] Set ServletContext info as an init-param for Grizzly/HTTP container

From: Srinivas Naresh Bhimisetty <Srinivas.Bhimisetty_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 16:27:37 +0530

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2008, at 7:13 AM, Srinivas Naresh Bhimisetty wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have come across a scenario where I need to set the Servlet
>> Context information to the GrizzlyContainer / HTTPContainer.
>> Is there any provision where I could pass this info as an init param
>> to the GrizzlyWebContainerFactory / ContainerFactory, in order to set
>> it?
> I am not sure if the Grizzly ServletAdapter supports the setting of
> context parameters. From the JavaDoc [1] it looks unlikely.
Yes I tried this, but it doesn't work.
We need this way of passing the ServletContext name, context init
params, etc. for certain samples in order to get them running properly
with the GrizzlyContainer and the HTTPContainer of the test framework,
otherwise we see some test failures and errors, as I saw with the
"spring-annotations" and the "simple-servlet" samples. These tests work
fine with the Embedded Glassfish as the info is maintained in the
deployment descriptors.

> Paul.
> [1]
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