I have a use case that requires a customized OPTIONS method (http) response.
For example,
I have a resource named FooResource that supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
methods. When
I call OPTIONS method jersey detects that FooResource doesn't use OPTIONS
annotation and creates
WADL response with "Allow" response header with value "GET, POST, PUT,
DELETE". However,
I would like to create WADL and "Allow" header value based on currently
authentication user, for
example if the current user is in "non-admin" role, I would like to generate
"Allow" header value as
"GET", if the current user is in "Admin" role, I would like to generate
"Allow" header value as
Is it possible to implement this feature in the latest jersey build? if yes
could you please point me to the right classes
to extend or re-implement them?