Re: [Jersey] Proposed refinement to jersey-multipart header processing

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 08:48:13 +0100

Hi Craig,

This looks good to me.

Slightly related. I think we can improve the HttpHeaders class to
reuse stuff from the core rather than duplicating functionality. But
to do that i need to provide a class such as
KeyComparatorMultivaluedMap<K, V>, and then you can do:

    class HeadersMaps extends KeyComparatorMultivaluedMap<String,
String> { ... }

or just use an instance of KeyComparatorMultivaluedMap.


On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:36 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> A while back, Gili asked[1] about the possibility of enhancing the
> jersey-multipart APIs to make it easier to deal with parameters. An
> example of where this would be handy is a header like:
> Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
> Currently, you can get "application/xml; charset=UTF-8" back as a
> string by calling
> bodyPart.getHeaders().getFirst("Content-Type")
> but that leaves parsing out the parameter names and values as an
> exercise left to the reader.
> Here is my proposal to enhance the current code to make things like
> this easier to deal with. In the BodyPart class, add an
> *additional* method with this signature:
> public MultivaluedMap<String,ParameterizedHeader>
> getParameterizedHeaders()
> so that people who don't care about parameters can still use the
> underlying string based headers -- plus, they don't have to pay the
> parsing overhead unless they actually need it. This also avoids
> breaking backwards compatibility for anyone currently using the
> jersey-multipart code, since we're not changing any existing method
> signatures. Given this call, you can do things like (assuming the
> content type header is set as shown above):
> ParameterizedHeader header =
> bodyPart.getParameterizedHeaders().getFirst("Content-Type");
> String contentType = header.getValue(); // Returns "application/xml"
> String charset = header.getParameters().get("charset"); // Returns
> "UTF-8"
> Note that ParameterizedHeader is the class that Paul recently
> refactored and created in jersey-core. It has *much* more robust
> parsing than the HeaderValues class I was playing with, so we should
> use ParameterizedHeader instead.
> I've got this implemented (with tests) locally, but wanted to get
> some feedback before checking it in. What do you think?
> Craig
> [1]!-and-Welcome-to-jersey-multipart-td1343189.html#a1452334
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