* But if you mean "one session bean is one resource", then I would agree.
- We are on exactly the same page :-). That's the JBoss RESTEasy
Markus KARG wrote:
>> To me it makes the most sense in the scenario of exposing the back-end
>> service layer directly instead of getting yet another layer involved
>> (I'm not sure WebBeans would be use for service tier implementations).
> It depends of what exactly you mean with "back-end service layer". Exposing
> JPA entities or JDBC ResultSets wouldn't make much sense, since those are
> much more fine-grained than a relativeley coarse RESTful interface (JPA/JDBC
> deal with entities a.k.a tables, while REST deals with views on [possible
> combinations of] them). But if you mean "one session bean is one resource",
> then I would agree.
>> I think for most EJB 3 users, the CORBA interoperability part is just a
>> historical curiosity, although I am sure a lot of effort is spent on
>> this on the vendor end.
> Actually I would not select services, but instead just say that a SB *is* a
> JAX-RS resource -- with ALL its functionality. That means, if somebody wants
> to use CORBA (yes, there are people still doing that), they can do it,
> still. Actually from an architectural view, it looks like this: The session
> bean's implementation class is triggered via three possible interfaces: The
> remote interface by IIOP or JRMP, the local interface by simple Java
> invocation, and the REST interface, by simple HTTP invocation). In fact, the
> JAX-RS resource itself should be the SB, while the annotations will create a
> servlet "around" it dealing with HTTP.
> Regards
> Markus
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