RE: [Jersey] Support for Content-Encoding, Acccept-Encoding "gzip" filters

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 18:04:01 +0200


it is always great to look at your contributions! Thanks for providing this!

For "Transfer-Encoding" I think the correct way to deal with is to split the
discussion into client and server. For the server side I agree with you that
it is up to the container to provide this, since it is a simple transports
problem but not related to the content resource itself; so GlassFish should
provide this. For the client side I think that the Jersey Client API should
support it, since there is nothing like a client container outside of the
Java EE world. The Jersey Client should transparently support compressed
transports so the client application has nothing to deal with, and the
client application should have a means to participate in chunked transports
to be able to present a progress bar and let the user cancel further
transportation (e. g. for video transfers, binary downloads, etc.).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Freitag, 5. September 2008 17:52
> To:
> Subject: [Jersey] Support for Content-Encoding, Acccept-Encoding "gzip"
> filters
> Hi,
> I have just added client and server-side filters to support Content-
> Encoding and Accept-Encoding for values of "gzip". I did not want to
> support "Transfer-Encoding" at the moment, the reason is i am not sure
> if it will interfere with the containers, which are better placed to
> support this.
> Probably the best way to show this is to look at a unit test [1].
> This works for entities sent from the client to the server and for
> entities sent from the server to the client.
> A client or service can override the behavior by adding a "Content-
> Encoding" header of "identity" such that entities will not be
> compressed.
> A client can configure request entity compression such that entities
> are only compressed if a "Content-Encoding" header is present with a
> value of "gzip".
> The client will always send an "Accept-Encoding" of "gzip" and the
> server will always compress if gzip is acceptable.
> I suppose this could be improved to work in the presence of multiple
> layers of Content-Encoding but that is quite a rare thing.
> Paul.
> y/jersey-
> tests/src/test/java/com/sun/jersey/impl/container/grizzly/GZIPContentEn
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