Re: [Jersey] Static references from JSP

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 08:46:18 +0200

On Sep 2, 2008, at 8:13 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Julio Faerman wrote:
>>> I have tried to write out the resource, but this is troublesome
>>> as the
>>> resource is not on the classpath. I think there is a method to
>>> get web
>>> resources in servlet 2.5,
>> You need to use methods on the ServletContext.
>>> but i also think that the forward should
>>> work.
>> I cannot get it to :-( it works for JSPs, but not for "static"
>> stuff like HTML and images, perhaps it is bug in the GF servlet
>> implementation i am using?
> What servlet mappings do you have defined?

"/" or "/*". I want to avoid a URL for the main application like:

  http://host:80/<deployment base>/<jersey base>

and exposing out the other resources (static or JSP pages) explicitly.

I can forward to JSPs but not to static content.

For example, if i have the following in the web directory:


And a resource class:

   public class Foo { ... }

Then the a path of "/" slash matches Foo and Jersey can forward the
servlet request to "com/foo/Foo/index.jsp" but any reference in the
JSP to "image.png" does not work.

> A typical servlet container will have a "default" mapping
> (essentially for pattern "/*") that is used to serve static
> resources. If you've defined your mapping to the ServletAdaptor or
> ServletContainer servlet to "/*", then you are overriding this
> default, meaning you'd need to take responsibility for serving the
> static resources yourself. This is technically feasible -- you
> could build static file service into ServletAdaptor or
> ServletContainer -- but a lot easier if you have the JAX-RS servlet
> mapped to something else.

Thanks. Yes, i want to avoid duplicating such effort. I also sent an
email to asking more details.


> Craig
>>> The viewable meta-data seems a good feature, but i think it would
>>> need
>>> to support a transparent and implicit mechanism to access resources.
>>> Perhaps using reasonable "default" meta-data.
>> Yes, now if only i could get access to the information Servlet
>> uses for static pages .e.g. it returns generated etags etc.
>> Although it does not seem to support 304 not modified correctly.
>> Paul.
>>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Paul Sandoz <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a fix, but i am not entirely happy with it.
>>>> It appears that forwarding to a non-JSP resource does not work.
>>>> Even though
>>>> i can create the dispatcher and call forward. Somewhere
>>>> internally to the
>>>> Servlet implementation a 404 is returned. If anyone is a servlet
>>>> expert out
>>>> there perhaps they can shed some light on this.
>>>> The fix is for the JSP template processor to write out any
>>>> existing resource
>>>> other than a JSP file and dispatch/forward JSP files. Thus you
>>>> can add
>>>> images etc and implicitly they will get served as well was
>>>> explicitly
>>>> reference then in a Viewable, although the model makes no sense
>>>> in this
>>>> respect. But ideally i would like to forward to servlet and let
>>>> it write out
>>>> the resource with appropriate meta-data.
>>>> However, i think template processing is missing the ability in
>>>> general to
>>>> supply HTTP meta-data and for the viewable to be processed
>>>> taking into
>>>> account the template meta-data (e.g. precondition checking)
>>>> before the
>>>> template is written out. I am going to jot down some ideas here
>>>> so i don't
>>>> loose them:
>>>> - If an entity in the ContainerResponse implements
>>>> ContainerResponseFilter then the filter method is executed
>>>> before the ContainerResponse is processed to write out the HTTP
>>>> meta-data and entity.
>>>> - Viewable is modified to implement ContainerResponseFilter and the
>>>> filter method resolves the template and handles the meta-data.
>>>> Resolved state is retained on the Viewable instance for writing
>>>> out.
>>>> - TemplateProcessor.resolve is modified to take as a parameter
>>>> request meta-data and return meta-data plus
>>>> resolved template path. Such meta-data can be:
>>>> - content type
>>>> - content length
>>>> - expires
>>>> - last modified
>>>> - etag
>>>> hence static data can be differentiated from dynamic data.
>>>> Paul.
>>>> Julio Faerman wrote:
>>>>> I am using a simple <img> tag. Also tried the URL directly,
>>>>> should be the
>>>>> same.
>>>>> I would suggest adding an static image to the bookstore sample,
>>>>> like a
>>>>> projetct logo.
>>>>> Returning a new Viewable for the image was my first attempt,
>>>>> but it
>>>>> results in an exception saying it could not find the template.
>>>>> The exception is:
>>>>> The template name, line-chart.gif, could
>>>>> not be
>>>>> resolved to the path of a template
>>>>> The code:
>>>>> @Path("/")
>>>>> public class RootResource {
>>>>> @GET
>>>>> public Viewable getJSP(){
>>>>> return new Viewable("index.jsp",""); //This works
>>>>> }
>>>>> @GET
>>>>> @Path("img")
>>>>> @Produces("image/gif")
>>>>> public Viewable getImage(){
>>>>> return new Viewable("line-chart.gif",""); //This
>>>>> does not.
>>>>> Files are
>>>>> in the same directory.
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Thank you for the attention and congrats all, this project is
>>>>> awesome.
>>>>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 4:17 AM, Paul Sandoz
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Julio,
>>>>>> Could you send me an example?
>>>>>>> I am using implicit JSP Viewables (just like bookstore
>>>>>>> sample), but i
>>>>>>> don't know how can i reference a static resource (images,
>>>>>>> styles,
>>>>>>> scripts) from the page.
>>>>>> Does the following describe your problem?
>>>>>> If i have a resource:
>>>>>> and an index.jsp in:
>>>>>> com/foo/Foo/index.jsp
>>>>>> and there is an image at the location:
>>>>>> com/foo/Foo/image.png
>>>>>> how does "index.jsp" reference "image.png".
>>>>>>> I am trying a method that fowards to the requested resource, but
>>>>>>> servletContext.getRequestDispatcher().forward() is failling
>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> the injected HttpServletRequest and Response are null. Is
>>>>>>> there a
>>>>>>> better way to do this?
>>>>>> If you are using Servlet you should be able to do:
>>>>>> @Context HttpServletRequest req;
>>>>>> @Context HttpServletRequest res;
>>>>>> as fields or method parameters.
>>>>>> You should be able to reference a static page using a
>>>>>> Viewable. Just
>>>>>> return
>>>>>> something like this:
>>>>>> // Absolute reference
>>>>>> return new Viewable("/static.png", null);
>>>>>> // Reference relative to the resource class or a super class
>>>>>> return new Viewable("static.png", null);
>>>>>> Paul.
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>>>> Paul Sandoz
>>>> x38109
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