Re: [Jersey] 0.12 ?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 20:36:37 +0200

On Sep 10, 2008, at 7:50 PM, Ryan Heaton wrote:

> So if you're already working on 1.0, is 0.11 considered "stable"?

Sort of, it is planned that 0.11-ea-SNAPSHOT will become 1.0 :-)

The JAX-RS API that is used by 0.11-ea-SNAPSHOT is in terms of API
changes the same API that has been submitted for final ballot to the
JCP. Thus essentially this version of Jersey could be called 1.0-
SNAPSHOT but i don't want to call it that because things have yet to
be finalized in the JCP and it might cause some confusion.

> What I'd really like is can we have a "0.11-ea" (non-snapshot) release
> put in the Maven repo?

Can you wait until 1.0? Which is planned for the last week on
September or the first week in October.

If not i suppose we could stabilize 0.11 and then rev to 0.11.1. We
cannot spend too many resources doing that because we want to
concentrate of the quality of the 1.0 release, so if we do it will not
be tested to the same extent as other stable releases.

Does anybody else want a 0.11 stable release as well?
