Martin Grotzke wrote:
>> I think one could do it as follows:
>> class MyWadlGeneratorConfig extends WadlGeneratorConfig {
>> public List<WadlGeneratorDescription> configure() {
>> return
>> generator(WadlGeneratorResourceDocSupport.class).
>> prop("resourceDocFile", "classpath:/resourcedoc.xml").
>> add().
>> build();
>> }
>> }
> So you want to introduce an abstract method configure()? How could the
> user then create WadlGenerator instances by himself and provide simply
> the WadlGenerator?
Is the following sufficient?
class MyWadlGeneratorConfig extends WadlGeneratorConfig {
public WadlGenerator getWadlGenerator() {
return ...
Alhtough this would require that configure not be abstract, but it could
throw IllegalArgumentException. The
WadlGeneratorConfig.getWadlGenerator() impl can call configure.
>> i.e. the add is probably redundant:
>> class MyWadlGeneratorConfig extends WadlGeneratorConfig {
>> public List<WadlGeneratorDescription> configure() {
>> return
>> generator(WadlGeneratorResourceDocSupport.class).
>> prop("resourceDocFile", "classpath:/resourcedoc.xml").
>> generator(...).
>> prop(..., ...).
>> prop(..., ...).
>> build();
>> }
>> }
>> because the method "generator" signals a new addition.
>> You might be able to remove the class WadlGeneratorDescription by using:
>> class MyWadlGeneratorConfig extends WadlGeneratorConfig {
>> public Map<Class<? extends WadlGenerator>, Properties>
>> configure() {
>> return
>> generator(WadlGeneratorResourceDocSupport.class).
>> prop("resourceDocFile", "classpath:/resourcedoc.xml").
>> generator(...).
>> prop(..., ...).
>> prop(..., ...).
>> build();
>> }
>> }
>> But that is a bit of a mouthful. I would be inclined to have a
>> WadlGeneratorDescriptions class that extends HashMap, if there can be
>> only one instance of a generator class per configuration:
>> public class WadlGeneratorDescriptions extends
>> HashMap<Class<? extends WadlGenerator>, Properties> { ... }
>> class MyWadlGeneratorConfig extends WadlGeneratorConfig {
>> public WadlGeneratorDescriptions configure() {
>> return
>> generator(WadlGeneratorResourceDocSupport.class).
>> prop("resourceDocFile", "classpath:/resourcedoc.xml").
>> generator(...).
>> prop(..., ...).
>> prop(..., ...).
>> build();
>> }
>> }
> Replacing the List<WadlGeneratorDescription> is an option.
> On Friday I'll go on holiday for 3 weeks (next week wednesday I'll be at
> home for one day again), so I'll focus on the important things.
> Of course you can tune these things by yourself, perhaps this is also
> faster than lots of email conversation :)
If you agree to the changes i can have a go.
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz