ServletContainer and relative path resolution

From: Ryan Heaton <>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 11:28:32 -0600


I was surprised to find that the paths to the resource classes are
resolved relative to the servlet path. Is there a way to override
this behavior?

For example, if my servlet mapping is defined like this (standard
petclinic example)


And my resource class:

public class Clinic {

  public Owner getOwner(@PathParam( "id" ) String id) {

Then the "owner" method will be mounted at "/clinic/clinic/owner/id".
I guess I expected paths to be resolved relative to the servlet
context path, rather than the context path + servlet path. I'd like
to define my web.xml file to be narrow so as to allow the default
servlet to handle things like jsp pages and static files.

