Thanks for your help. My getSize() was returning 0. I see why it worked
in 0.8 and not 0.9.
>>> Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM> 8/22/2008 3:00:03 PM >>>
On Aug 22, 2008, at 10:50 PM, Reece Garrett wrote:
> The problem is in line 132 of
> com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse:
> Jersey version 0.8 —-> o =
> ContainerResponse.this);
> Jersey version 0.9 —-> o =
> ContainerResponse.this);
> I reverted that line back to what it was in 0.8 and it works.
The "size" is set from what is returned by the getSize method of the
selected message body writer, see line 232 of Jersey version 0.9
ContainerResponse (see below). So if a writer does not know the size
of what is being written then the method should return -1.
final MessageBodyWriter p = bodyContext.getMessageBodyWriter(
entity.getClass(), entityType,
null, contentType);
// If there is no message body writer return a Not
Acceptable response
if (p == null) {
LOGGER.severe("A message body reader for Java type, " +
entity.getClass() +
", and MIME media type, " + contentType + ", was
not found");
if (request.getMethod().equals("HEAD")) {
responseWriter.writeStatusAndHeaders(-1, this);
} else
throw new WebApplicationException
final long size = p.getSize(entity); <------ get
the size from the writer
if (request.getMethod().equals("HEAD")) {
if (size != -1)
} else {
p.writeTo(entity, entity.getClass(), entityType, null,
contentType, getHttpHeaders(),
new CommittingOutputStream(size));
> -Reece
>>>> "Reece Garrett" <> 8/22/2008 1:21 PM >>>
> Hello,
> I am using Jetty web server and just upgraded to jersey 0.9. I am
> using
> my own json entity provider which was working with jersey 0.8 but
> that I've upgraded I get no response body. I get the right response
> code
> but not my entity representation. I've debugged and verified that
> when I
> call outputStream.write(representation.getBytes()); that the
> representation is correct but it just doesn't make it into the
> response.
> I am using the spring-servlet. Any ideas?
> -Reece
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