Re: [Jersey] Using MessageBodyReader

From: Kem Elbrader <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 10:13:41 -0600

Thanks, your responses were very informative for me.

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 1:43 AM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> Hi Kem,
> Arul is correct in that MessageBodyReaders/Writers only operate on the body
> of a request or response, notice that they operate on bytes and not
> characters.
> There are two ways you can do this one portable and one Jersey specific.
> The portable way:
> public BufferedImage draw(@QueryParam("s") ShapeParam s) { ... }
> ...
> public class ShapeParam {
> public ShapeParam(String param) {
> // parse param to create a Shape instance
> }
> public getShape() { ... }
> }
> The Jersey way:
> public BufferedImage draw(@QueryParam("s") Shape s) { ... }
> ...
> @Provider
> public MyShapeProvider implements InjectableProvider<QueryParam, Parameter>
> {
> public final Scope getScope() {
> return Scope.PerRequest;
> }
> public Injectable<Shape> getInjectable(ComponentContext ic,
> QueryParam a, Parameter c) {
> if (!Shape.class.isAssignableFrom(c.getParameterClass()))
> return null;
> final String name = c.getSourceName();
> return new Injectable<Shape>() {
> public Map<String, String> getValue(HttpContext c) {
> String value =
> c.getUriInfo().getQueryParameters().getFirst(name);
> // Instantiate Shape from name:
> Shape s = ...
> return s;
> }
> };
> }
> }
> Although i really should try and make this a bit easier to manage for common
> cases e.g. the handling of default values.
> Paul.
> On Aug 22, 2008, at 12:33 AM, Kem Elbrader wrote:
>> The developer guide state that "the MessageBodyReader is used to map
>> an HTTP request entity body to method parameters"[1] Here is an
>> example
>> I want to have a get method that takes a javax.awt.Shape which is
>> retrieved from a query parameter.
>> For example,
>> http://localhost:8080/?s=r:10,20 might return an image of a rectangle
>> with dimension 10 wide and 20 high and
>> http://localhost:8080/?s=o:10,20 would return an oval with those
>> dimensions.
>> http://localhost:8080/?s=p:(0,0),(10,0),(5,10) would return a triangle.
>> I'd prefer the get method to avoid the conversion of strings to
>> java.awt.Shape if possible and I thought that MessageBodyReader could
>> be used to do that.
>> I'm I wrong about the use of MessageBodyReader? If so, is there
>> another way of accomplishing this?
>> [1]
>> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 3:47 PM, Arul Dhesiaseelan <>
>> wrote:
>>> If you are using query params in GET, then I would think that you need to
>>> provide a String type instead of a complex type. Change it to String s,
>>> it
>>> should work and you can invoke using GET http://localhost:8080/?s=shape .
>>> Not sure if this is what you intended.
>>> -Arul
>>> Kem Elbrader wrote:
>>>> I'm getting the following exception when I attempt to deploy my jersey
>>>> app to glassfish v2.
>>>> com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: Method, public
>>>> java.awt.image.BufferedImage
>>>> com.el.ui.graphicserver.Renderer.draw(java.awt.Shape), annotated with
>>>> GET of resource, class com.el.ui.graphicserver.Renderer, is not
>>>> recognized as valid Java method annotated with @HttpMethod.
>>>> I'm attempting to use the a MessageBodyReader named ShapeProvider to
>>>> allow java.awt.Shape to be used as a parameter in my @GET method. I'm
>>>> not sure if I'm using this correctly.
>>>> I've attached my project.
>>>> Thanks for any help.
>>>> Kem Elbrader
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