Re: [Jersey] Is it possible to maintain sessions the RESTful way?

From: Lars Tackmann <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 09:26:50 +0200

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 8:26 AM, Srinivas Naresh Bhimisetty
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is a Jersey newbie. I was going through some docs which said, RESTful
> web services are stateless.
> If these are stateless, would it be possible for someone to create a RESTful
> web service which has to maintain the session information for the different
> actions, i.e., if I want to write a web service, something like a Credit
> Card Transaction, how would I maintain the state if I want to write it the
> RESTful way. Is it possible? Is the RESTful approach suitable only for few
> kind of services?
> I think I'm confused. Could somebody please elaborate this particular

RESTful services does not maintain state the usual way (i.e. a cookie
id used to retrieve a server side session). This does however not
prevent you from creating a credit card transactional resource -
consider this flow:

post /creditcard/transaction => get a transaction id in location
header (say: 42)
put /creditcard/42 => put work (in entity body) on to the transaction
put /creditcard/42/commit => commit transaction
this way you create a transactional id, add work to it and on commit
you simply execute all this work in a server side transaction. Further
functionality, like a rollback resource or transaction timeout are
equally easy to add.
Hope this helps
Yours sincerely
Lars Tackmann