Re: [Jersey] heads up: trunk might become unstable

From: Craig McClanahan <Craig.McClanahan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 12:26:42 -0700

Jakub Podlesak wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 08:33:33PM +0200, Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>> Hi Craig,
>> i am using:
>> java version "1.5.0_13-rev"
>> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_13-rev-b07)
>> Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_13-rev-b07, mixed mode)
>> Maven version: 2.0.8
>> Java version: 1.5.0_13-rev
>> OS name: "sunos" version: "5.11" arch: "x86" Family: "unix"
> the above mentioned proved to work (local m2 repo removed beforehand):
> [INFO]
> [INFO]
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Reactor Summary:
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] jersey-project ........................................ SUCCESS [4:00.743s]
> [INFO] jersey-core ........................................... SUCCESS [6:20.419s]
> [INFO] jersey-client ......................................... SUCCESS [8.222s]
> [INFO] jersey-server ......................................... SUCCESS [1:04.489s]
> [INFO] Contributions to Jersey ............................... SUCCESS [0.010s]
> [INFO] jersey-spring ......................................... SUCCESS [3:08.187s]
> [INFO] maven-wadl-plugin Maven Mojo .......................... SUCCESS [3:47.202s]
> [INFO] Jersey samples ........................................ SUCCESS [0.012s]
> [INFO] helloworld ............................................ SUCCESS [5.970s]
> [INFO] helloworld-webapp Maven Webapp ........................ SUCCESS [29.566s]
> [INFO] jersey-json ........................................... SUCCESS [9.555s]
> [INFO] jersey-atom ........................................... SUCCESS [3.755s]
> [INFO] jersey-tests .......................................... SUCCESS [8:47.268s]
> [INFO] jersey-bundle ......................................... SUCCESS [19.682s]
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 28 minutes 58 seconds
> [INFO] Finished at: Fri Jul 25 20:44:19 CEST 2008
> [INFO] Final Memory: 39M/185M
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ~Jakub
Cool ... updating Maven and downloading r1206 made it work for me (Mac
OS/X, Java 1.5, Maven 2.0.9) also. I'm still having some issues on
Linux (Ubuntu 8, OpenJDK 1.6.0-b09, Maven 2.0.9) -- looks like some of
the tests are triggering JVM crashes. Will see if I can narrow down
some repeatable results there.


>> which seems to work (still downloading dependencies, though)
>> ~Jakub
>> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 11:27:28AM -0700, Craig McClanahan wrote:
>>> Chris Wilkes wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 11:01:23AM -0700, Craig McClanahan wrote:
>>>>> On a Mac, I checked out the latest trunk (1205) and tried to build, but
>>>>> it fails in the javadocs section for jersey-client with the following
>>>>> errors, which also cause the overall build to fail. Any thoughts? (I'm
>>>>> also trying this on Linux as well).
>>>>> Craig
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO] An error has occurred in JavaDocs report generation:Exit code: 1
>>>>> -
>>>>> /Users/craigmcc/Java.Net/jersey/jersey/jersey-client/src/main/java/com/sun/jersey/api/client/
>>>>> package does not exist
>>>>> import;
>>>> Are you using JDK 6?
>>> No, this is Apple's JDK 5 (build 1.5.0_13-b05-241) on a MacBook Pro.
>>> I also just noticed that I'm using a pretty old Maven2 (2.0.6) ... need
>>> to update that and try again.
>>>> Chris
>>> Craig
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