-- return Response.created(uri).entity(user).build(); -- does not result in my client getting a 201 response code, instead it always recives 200. This happens regardless of what I do in my resource code i.e. adding: -- if(true) new WebApplicationException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); -- still results in 200 OK. It is properly me who have missed something obvious so any help is welcome. A working Jersey/Spring example (suing the new jersey-spring module) would be top notch (especially if I can see the full web.xml/applicationContext.xml files). Thanks in advance -- Yours sincerely Lars Tackmann 1) pom.xml http://svn.randompage.org/java/samples/jax-rs/acegi/pom.xml 2) applicationContext.xml http://svn.randompage.org/java/samples/jax-rs/acegi/src/main/resources/applicationContext.xml 3) security config: http://svn.randompage.org/java/samples/jax-rs/acegi/src/main/resources/springSecurity.xml