Re: [Jersey] JSON Arrays

From: Jakub Podlesak <Jakub.Podlesak_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 14:54:17 +0200

Hi Lars,

Have you tried to register your provider on the client side as well?
I think you need to make it manually (it won't be picked up automatically, but maybe i am mistaken).

Copy&pasted from Paul's blog [1]:

ClientConfig cc = new DefaultClientConfig();

It is a great news you fixed the issue. Can you please share more details on it?




On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:57:36PM +0200, Lars Tackmann wrote:
> Hi
> I have implemented the jersey fix for missing brackets in JSON arrays
> ( to
> great satisfaction for the people hacking on our AJAX rest front end.
> However my tests which uses the jersey client are now failing, i.e.
> the code:
> --
> assertThat(Status.fromStatusCode(cr.getStatus()), equalTo(Status.OK));
> CountryBeanList list = cr.getEntity(CountryBeanList.class);
> --
> results in:
> --
> java.lang.ClassCastException: com.example.CountryBean cannot be cast
> to com.example.CountryBeanList
> at com.example.test.ResourceTest.countryListTest(
> --
> the JSON code produced when it fails looks like this:
> --
> {"country":[{"name":"Denmark","countryCode":"DK"},{"name":"Finland","countryCode":"FI"}]}
> --
> however when leaving out the modified @Provider it looks like this
> --
> {"countries":{"country":[{"name":"Denmark","countryCode":"DK"},{"name":"Finland","countryCode":"FI"}]}}
> --
> This code can be correctly converted/tested (note the root "countries"
> type). Could it be that since both CountryBean and CountryBeanList are
> root elements (@XmlRootElement), the JSON provider no longer works
> (when modified to handle brackets correctly) ?. Any
> ideas/comments/solutions to this annoyance are most welcome.
> --
> Yours sincerely
> Lars Tackmann
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