I have written a WebDAV Resource using Jersey-0.8. It works pretty well.
Thank you for providing this great tool!
Now there is a small problem: I do not want to run it standalone but
inside of a .war file driven by GlassFish v2, so I deployed the war and
did a test. The problem is that some WebDAV clients (including Microsoft
WebDAV Redirector -- my primary client, unfortunately) want to check the
"liveness" or "validity" of the WebDAV service prior to using it. For
that, despite the actual URL you provide to the client, the client is
running a "OPTIONS / " request ON THE ROOT and expects to get any
positive reaction.
While this is easy with a standalone HTTP server, within GlassFish this
is a problem: @Path("/") is not the root "
http://localhost/" in
GlassFish, but it is "
http://localhost/MyWarFile/"! So my Resource
cannot react.
What can I do? I cannot change the client, so there must be anything in
JaxRS / Servlet API / GlassFish that makes GlassFish return "200 OK"
when a client asks for "OPTIONS / ".
Thanks a lot!