Re: [Jersey] Denial Of Service attacks with gigabytes of form data?

From: Travis Reeder <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 08:46:59 -0700

This sounds like something that should be tackled fairly quickly.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:

> Harald Kirsch wrote:
>> Hello,
>> using jersey for the first time in an experimental application, I
>> stumbled over a potential denial of service (DOS) attack against @POST
>> resources. What happens if a user sends gigabytes of data? It seems that
>> the body is parsed completely before my resource class or method would
>> even see the data.
> Correct if not using a stream-based Java type.
> By that time an OutOfMemory exception has certainly
>> happened already.
>> Is there a parameter somewhere to limit the size of message bodies taken
>> into account?
> This sounds like an appropriate case for using a filter (servlet or
> Jersey-based).
> Paul.
> --
> | ? + ? = To question
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> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
> +33-4-76188109
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