I have a general REST question and thought I would post it here since
this list contains allot REST wizards (if a better place exists then I
would be happy to hear of it). Consider the following user story:
A) A user access webshop and puts items into a shopping basket
B) As each item is added the price gets updated and displayed to the
user (advanced server side calculation rules)
C) When the user checks out, he is created in the system and the order
is processed.
As the user is not created until the order is processed, no order can
be persisted before this time. This requirement makes the usual CRUD
way of doing price calculation hard (i.e. create the order, get its id
and modify it as the user makes changes).
This essentially leaves me with these options
1) POST order and get its price in return (RPC style with no server
side changes).
2) Add the order as a entity body to a GET method. RFC2616 does not
prohibits sending a message-body with a GET method (sections 5.1.1
(Method) and 9.3 (GET) doesn't say anything a bout this).
3) Add the order as query data to a GET method
4) Use a POE (post once exactly) style price calculation
I am not satisfied with any of these - option 1 seams to much RPC
style, 2 is not really prohibited but neither is it best practice, 3
makes the URLs ugly (there is going to be allot of data) and option 4
seams like overkill.
In general I am looking for the most RESTful solution for handling
complicated query data - so any thoughts on which way is best or
suggestions of different solutions will be most welcome.
Yours sincerely
Lars Tackmann