Hi Kevin,
Please look at [javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder]
javadoc at [1].
I am copy&pasting from there:
A class used to build Response instances that contain metadata instead of or in addition to an entity. An initial instance may be obtained via static methods of the Response class, instance methods provide the ability to set metadata. E.g. to create a response that indicates the creation of a new resource:
Response addWidget(...) {
Widget w = ...
URI widgetId = UriBuilder.fromResource(Widget.class)...
return Response.created(widgetId).build();
Note that you are returning an instance of [Response] and building it using [ResponseBuilder].
Your method should remain public.
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 07:30:21PM -0700, Kevin Duffey wrote:
> Hey all,
> We're starting to get a bit further with our project now. Actually got the RESTful web app deployed, and taking some calls.
> I am confused on a few things tho. Is there a good doc that explains all the details of Jersey, including handling requests, setting response codes, headers, body, etc?
> That said, I am using the NetBeans Jersey plugin, created a resource, my code looks something like:
> @Path("test")
> public class TestResource {
> @Context
> private UriInfo context;
> public TestResource() {
> }
> @GET
> @ProduceMime("application/xml")
> public String getXml() {
> return "test";
> }
> @ConsumeMime("application/xml")
> public void postXml(String content) {
> // do something that creates something...
> // if all works, set status to 201, and set Location header to URL
> // if fail, set appropriate Status code.
> }
> }
> So in the above, I am sending in some XML as the content object to postXml. I do something with that XML, create something, etc. However, the method that the wizard creates does not set a return value. Where as HttpServeltResponse returns a response object that you can set headers on, etc... there seems to be no way after the call is made for me to indicate the response code, body (if I want to return one), and the Location header to return the proper URL to reference the created resource.
> Same question applies to the GET method. I want to return a chunk of XML, or JSON maybe as part of the response Body, along with status code, etc. How do I manipulate the response that goes back. Looking at the UriInfo context variable doesnt appear to offer any methods or objects I can use to set response info.
> Is it ok to do something like
> @ConsumeMime("application/xml")
> @ProduceMime("text/html")
> public String someMethod(String contents){}
> Such that I can handle xml input but return, html (or maybe json)? If so, to handle say xml, json or url-encoded form data in one call, and return json or xml back, how would I figure out the format coming in, and how do I specify the return format (again, how do I manipulate the response object so the Content-Type header going back is set based on the body going back).
> Thanks all.