Re: [Jersey] How to use multipart/form-data

From: Max Scheffler <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 17:04:19 +0200

Hi Paul,

that rocks! Its pretty cool.

But there is just one problem left. :D

I need to know the original filename of the uploaded image. This
filename is set in the 'Content-Disposition'-Header an looks like the

  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="testImage.gif"

Is there any smart way to get this name?


Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Max,
> I have added experimental support for "multipart/form-data" using
> @FormParam.
> For this to work the resource method needs to have a
> @ConsumeMime("multipart/form-param") associated with it.
> Underneath the covers the message body readers will be used, so you can
> use String, JAXB beans etc. The rules are the same as request entities,
> and not the same rules as for other parameters.
> In your example you can now do this:
> @ConsumeMime("multipart/form-data")
> public Response createGraphic (
> @FormParam( "field1" ) String name,
> @FormParam( "pics" ) InputStream image ) {
> ...
> }
> If you wrote your own image-based message body reader then you could do:
> @ConsumeMime("multipart/form-data")
> public Response createGraphic (
> @FormParam( "field1" ) String name,
> @FormParam( "pics" ) Image image ) {
> ...
> }
> If you had a method:
> @ConsumeMime({"multipart/form-data",
> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
> public Response createGraphic (
> @FormParam( "field1" ) String name,
> @FormParam( "pics" ) Image image ) {
> ...
> }
> then the rules using message body readers would apply for request sent
> using "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", but it is assumed that the
> media type of such form parameters is "text/plain" so you may not get
> the same behaviour for when "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" only is
> declared.
> There is probably ways to clarify on the use of both media types for one
> method, but i think it is hard to fully unify and i would not recommend
> it and instead manage such stuff distinctly.
> Currently the implementation is not very smart, and will likely result
> in the buffering of the complete message. If the declared form
> parameters are in the same order as they occur in the message then we
> should supporting streaming.
> Paul.
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>> Currently @FormParam only works correctly for the media type:
>> application/x-www-form-urlencoded
>> For the moment you need to use the JavaMail API and the type:
>> javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart
>> which i fully admit is not as nice as you would like.
>> I think it possible to support "multipart/form-data" by utilizing the
>> JavaMail API under the covers, just a matter of getting the time to
>> program it... (Plus i don't want to introduce a direct dependency on
>> the JavaMail jars.)
>> Paul.
>> Max Scheffler wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i want to create an image resource by uploading an image and setting
>>> some informations for this image.
>>> The following is a possible POST body:
>>> Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x
>>> --AaB03x
>>> content-disposition: form-data; name="field1"
>>> Joe Blow
>>> --AaB03x
>>> content-disposition: form-data; name="pics"; filename="file1.txt"
>>> Content-Type: text/plain
>>> ... contents of file1.txt ...
>>> --AaB03x--
>>> I tried to use the following code:
>>> @POST
>>> public Response createGraphic ( @FormParam( "field1" ) String name,
>>> @FormParam( "pics" ) Object object ) {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> But this approach didn't work fine.
>>> How can I fetch the parameters (in this example: field1) and the file?
>>> Greetings
>>> Max
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