On Jun 13, 2008, at 12:37 AM, Martin Grotzke wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 09:15 +0200, Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>> i have also commented out all modules but [contribs] in [jersey-
>> project], so that it does not
>> try to redeploy [jersey] (deployed separately for the time being).
>> what is published now at m2 java.net repo should work, i have
>> tested a simple project
>> with [jersey-spring] dependency having cleaned my local repos in
>> advance.
>> Could you please double-check? I can then configure auto-deployment
>> of [jersey-contribs] from Hudson.
>> It will be done by % cd jersey ; mvn clean deploy
> I'll give feedback when I find time to double check, not sure if I can
> do this today.
Speaking of jersey-spring would it be possible to update jersey-
spring's 0.8-sea-SNAPSHOT's pom.xml to have this for the spring version:
The [2.5.2,) notation means 2.5.2 or newer. That way I can include
2.5.4 in my own pom.xml an I won't get the 2.5.2 jars that spring-
jersey demands.
I've only tested this with maven 2.0.9 so I'm not sure if this is a
new feature or not.