Re: [Jersey] Continue mavenization of jersey

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 15:08:55 +0200

Martin Grotzke wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to clarify how we proceed with the mavenization of jersey.
> IMO there are these TODOs:

   0) mvn deploy and hudson set up

> 1) Continue/finish mavenization of jersey examples
> 2) Split jersey into (maven) modules
> 3) Configure maven plugins so that all required artifacts are created
> Concerning 1) I could mavenize another jersey example and provide a
> simple howto that describes what has to been done to mavenize a
> "standard" jersey example.

Please :-)

> Concerning 2) I could also create (or support creating) maven modules
> from jersey: impl, api and spi (the content of the jersey/src folder).
> What about the naming of the modules?

I would like to defer any actual work on this until after 0.8 is
released. I still have a lot of 0.8 related 311 implementation work so
would prefer to keep that area stable for the moment.

> For 3) we need to clarify what artifacts have to be created. I know of
> these:
> - Default artifacts (jar files, poms for parent modules)
> - Binary distribution of the whole jersey project, including contribs
> and samples

+ javadoc

> - Source distribution of the same

+1 to all of the above. Again i would prefer to defer until after the
0.8 release.

> Are there other suggestions?
> What about the timeframe / schedule?

For 0.8 i would like to set the modest goal of pushing out snapshots
(and the 0.8 stable release) of jars to the maven repo. The pom.xml
depends on the builds.xml, the distribution and source zips are pushed

The 0.8 release is planned for June 20th or July 25th (it depends in how
much progress we make, plus it is the holiday season and i will be away
at a conference for the last week in June and on holiday for the first 2
weeks in July).

For 0.9 i would like to transition fully over to maven, which includes
tasks 1 to 3 your describe and completely removing ant.


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz