Re: [Jersey] Compiling the Spring contribution

From: Mike Jones <>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 13:58:07 +0100

Hi Paul

Thanks for that - I managed to build jersey and the Spring
contribution on my Linux box on the second attempt ... the first
attempt failed because sourceforge didn't want to give up FindBugs.

However, I cannot get a build on Mac OS X. I get the following message:

1) sun.jdk:tools:jar:1.5.0

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=sun.jdk -DartifactId=tools \
          -Dversion=1.5.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
          1) org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:maven-plugin:1.1
          2) sun.jdk:tools:jar:1.5.0

I think this is due to the way that tools.jar is defined in the pom:


2008/5/20 Paul Sandoz <>:
> Hi Mike,
> Mike Jones wrote:
>> Hello
>> I managed to get an earlier version of the spring integration with
>> Jersey compiled and working - however, I am now having a bit of
>> trouble.
>> The steps I have taken:
>> Checkout the trunk version of Jersey and install it into my local repo:
>> mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jersey.jar -DgroupId=com.sun.jersey \
>> -DartifactId=jersey -Dversion=0.8-ea-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
>> Checkout the latest JSR-311 spec and install it into my local repo:
>> mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jsr311-api.jar
>> \ -DartifactId=jsr311-api -Dversion=0.8-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
> You only need to check out the Jersey distribution. Please use the 311 API
> in the Jersey SVN, namely:
> trunk/jersey/lib/jsr311-api.jar
> If you do the following from trunk/jersey:
> mvn -f maven/pom.xml clean install
> then the 311 API and Jersey will get installed in the local repo using the
> poms in:
> trunk/jersey/maven
> Then i go to the directory:
> trunk/contribs/spring
> and do:
> mvn install
> Hope that works,
> Paul.
>> To get the spring contribution to compile and pass some tests I needed
>> to add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file:
>> <dependency>
>> <groupId></groupId>
>> <artifactId>jsr311-api</artifactId>
>> <version>0.8-SNAPSHOT</version>
>> </dependency>
>> <dependency>
>> <groupId>javax.xml.bind</groupId>
>> <artifactId>jaxb-api</artifactId>
>> <version>2.2</version>
>> </dependency>
>> <dependency>
>> <groupId>javax.annotation</groupId>
>> <artifactId>jsr250-api</artifactId>
>> <version>1.0</version>
>> </dependency>
>> <dependency>
>> <groupId>asm</groupId>
>> <artifactId>asm</artifactId>
>> <version>3.1</version>
>> </dependency>
>> However, a number of tests are still failing. For example:
>> Tests run: 28, Failures: 17, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed:
>> 6.132 sec <<< FAILURE!
>> testGetAndUpdateItem(com.sun.jersey.spring.AutowiredByJerseySpringSingletonResourceTest)
>> Time elapsed: 0.049 sec <<< FAILURE!
>> com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException
>> at
>> com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.handle(
>> at com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.get(
>> at
>> com.sun.jersey.spring.AutowiredByJerseySpringSingletonResourceTest.testGetAndUpdateItem(
>> I'm still working out how to get pass this issue. However, am I on the
>> right path for compiling the spring contribution? Am i missing an ant
>> or maven target?
>> Sorry if I am being a bit dim :-)
>> Cheers
>> Mike
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> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
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