--- Arul Dhesiaseelan <arul_at_fluxcorp.com> wrote:
> Paul,
> I see these 2 errors when I started the REST
> service. My REST service
> invokes a CXF JAX-WS Service.
> org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Could not create
> XMLStreamReader
> (input was of
> encoding UTF-8).
> at
This kind of exception often occurs when actual
encoding used is different from encoding xml
declaration claims it is.
For example, if xml content is written using ISO-885-1
(Latin1) writer, but xml declaration is written to
claim it's UTF-8. Or, http header encoding indicate
different encoding.
Specifically, certain bytes can never occur within
legal UTF-8 byte stream, but are legal for other
-+ Tatu +-