Great thxs!
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Donnerstag, 10. April 2008 15:30
Subject: Re: Change default Xml Encoding
Hi Ben,
For the latest build it is possible specify the character encoding using
the charset parameter of a media type, if the charset parameter is
absent the default is UTF-8.
It is not currently possible to configure a default character encoding
to apply to all text-related media types.
Ben wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I am getting again into the server part.. And was wondering if the
> state is still as in feb for creating jaxb responses of a different
> encoding. I have nothing against some plumbing if it's a one time
> effort, however as it seems to me the types produced by the resolver
> have to be hardcoded
> private final Class[] cTypes = {...};
> Generating a nasty dependency. Pls correct me if I'm wrong. I imagine
> a different encoding requirement will be especially for all
> non-english locales almost always the case. Is there no plan to make
> this more easy configurable, even at startup?
> Thxs ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008 10:22
> To:
> Subject: Re: Change default Xml Encoding
> Hi Ben,
> Ben wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I wonder what is the easiest way to specify for a Resource that
>> produces
>> "application/xml" a jaxb.encoding of ISO-8859-1 instead of the default
>> UTF-8?
> It is not possible to do this in 0.5. But it is possible in 0.6:
> It seems a little involved but with some helper classes it should take
> the pain away. Maybe the tooling can generated some code for such
> customization.
> Paul.
>> Rigth now i have more or less just the converters and resources that
>> come with nb6.0 ->generate rs from entity classes.
>> Thanks! Ben
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz
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