Hi Frank,
On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 11:39:38AM -0500, Frank Martínez wrote:
> (10:19:25 AM) FrankMartinez: But i have had to write my own JSON writer.
> (10:19:57 AM) PaulSandoz: Yes, this is an area we are still finding
> our feet with, i hoped the JAXB approach would be OK but i think we
> need to get more into the JAXB model to improve it
> (10:20:27 AM) FrankMartinez: Yes
> (10:20:50 AM) FrankMartinez: Now i am working in a declarative security ...
> (10:21:28 AM) PaulSandoz: re: Json can you provide some feedback (did
> you already?) what what form of JSon you would like and if using beans
> what would work for you?
> (10:24:08 AM) FrankMartinez: I used a free lib called json-lib, then i
> wrote a MessageBodyWriter ... thats all.
At the JAXB->JSON approach: was the only issue the one-elem array thing?
Or is there something else to improve/change?
Besides JAXB beans (@XmlRootElement annotated POJOs) related readers/writers
there were some other approaches considered/discussed as well:
i) POJO<->JSON readers/writers (maybe POJOs with JSON specific annotations
(json-lib way))
ii) POJO<->JSON readers/writers when serialization/deserialization is being done
via JAXB->JSON mapping (current mechanism) leveraging the possibility
in JAXB2 to marshal/unmarshall raw (unannotated) POJO by wrapping
it with JAXBElement object.
Do you think that one of them should be somehow included in Jersey?
What do others think?