Hi Frank,
very interesting, the declarative security thing!
Regarding injectors, I didn't understand your last comment:
> (11:01:38 AM) FrankMartinez: But what if you can register only one
> Injectable wich is selected if there is no Injectable for the
> specified type? ...
Do you mean that you want to be able to register a *CatchAllInjectable*
for a given annotation class, that is asked to return an instance for a
given class?
In the svn spring-integration branch [1] (r915) I changed
WebApplicationImpl.injectResources to inject instances pulled from the
ComponentProvider for @Context annotated fields, if there's no
injectable mapped to that type.
With this you can do s.th. like this:
MyDaoType dao;
which injects a instance that is returned by your
ComponentProvider.getInstance( Scope scope, Class<T> clazz )
with scope beeing Scope.Undefined (still to be implemented, right now
getInstance is invoked with scope null).
Would that be appropriate for you?
Additionally I can imagine s.th. like this for ComponentProvider:
getInjectableValue( Annotation[] as, Class<?> injectable )
which is invoked, if a field is annotated but there's no injectable
mapped to the fields type.
Then one might implement it like this:
getInjectableValue( Annotation[] as, Class<?> injectable ) {
if ( containsDAOAnnotation( as ) ) {
// get an instance for the given dao type
return getDAOInstance( injectable );
On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 11:39 -0500, Frank Martínez wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> This is a fragment of an IRC chat i have with Paul.
> The main topic is related to Declarative security possibilities and
> something about the injectors model.
> (10:16:44 AM) FrankMartinez: Hey Paul, take a rest of 5 minutes! :)
> (10:16:52 AM) PaulSandoz: Hi!
> (10:17:07 AM) PaulSandoz: I need a holiday :-)
> (10:17:58 AM) FrankMartinez: :D. I have been working with 0.7 (the trunk) .....
> (10:18:04 AM) PaulSandoz: ok
> (10:18:07 AM) FrankMartinez: Great work!
> (10:18:10 AM) PaulSandoz: thanks
> (10:18:46 AM) FrankMartinez: I started a BIG application, and i am
> using: iBatis - Jersey - ExtJS
> (10:18:57 AM) PaulSandoz: Does it work OK?
> (10:19:07 AM) FrankMartinez: Like a charm!
> (10:19:22 AM) PaulSandoz: Phew now i can relax, that is really good to
> hear, well done!
> (10:19:25 AM) FrankMartinez: But i have had to write my own JSON writer.
> (10:19:57 AM) PaulSandoz: Yes, this is an area we are still finding
> our feet with, i hoped the JAXB approach would be OK but i think we
> need to get more into the JAXB model to improve it
> (10:20:27 AM) FrankMartinez: Yes
> (10:20:50 AM) FrankMartinez: Now i am working in a declarative security ...
> (10:21:28 AM) PaulSandoz: re: Json can you provide some feedback (did
> you already?) what what form of JSon you would like and if using beans
> what would work for you?
> (10:24:08 AM) FrankMartinez: I used a free lib called json-lib, then i
> wrote a MessageBodyWriter ... thats all.
> (10:24:19 AM) PaulSandoz: ok
> (10:24:32 AM) PaulSandoz: declarative security?
> (10:24:39 AM) FrankMartinez: Yes.
> What do you think about something like this:
> @Path(...)
> @SecurityConstraint(...)
> public XXX someMethod(...) { ... }
> (10:25:09 AM) PaulSandoz: The plan is to utilize @RolesAllowed, but it
> is not implemented yet.
> (10:26:15 AM) FrankMartinez: Is @RolesAllowed part of an
> specification or something like a standard? or is it a Jersey concept?
> (10:26:36 AM) PaulSandoz: It is copied from EE, but we will not
> require EE to use it.
> (10:26:45 AM) PaulSandoz: ... in Jersey.
> (10:27:19 AM) PaulSandoz: Basically any authenticated principle that
> is a member of a role....
> (10:27:50 AM) PaulSandoz:
> @Path("admin") @RolesAllowed("admin") public XXX xxx(...)
> (10:27:57 AM) FrankMartinez: And what happen when the security is
> based in some strategy not based in roles? i.e. Permissions or Rules ?
> (10:29:25 AM) PaulSandoz: I am not sure... need to think about that,
> off the top of my head a role is just a name that encpasulates
> permissions/rules
> (10:30:05 AM) PaulSandoz: It seems sufficient for EJBs in an EE container
> (10:31:00 AM) FrankMartinez: I does not allow constraints based on
> contextual state or complex rules!
> (10:31:33 AM) PaulSandoz: Can you give an example?
> (10:34:41 AM) FrankMartinez: If permissions are assigned dynamicaly:
> (10:34:59 AM) FrankMartinez:
> @SecurityConstraint("s:hasPermission('actor.update')")
> (10:35:18 AM) PaulSandoz: Oh, i see you want to utilize some form of
> security language
> (10:35:24 AM) FrankMartinez: Yes
> (10:35:38 AM) FrankMartinez: Did you know Seam security?
> (10:35:42 AM) PaulSandoz: No.
> (10:35:59 AM) PaulSandoz: I think we need to depend on an IoC
> framework for such support
> (10:36:57 AM) FrankMartinez: Maybe. I am working in this issue for
> this project! I dont know if it need to be a Jersey Feature.
> (10:37:36 AM) FrankMartinez:
> http://docs.jboss.org/seam/1.2.1.GA/reference/en/html/security.html
> (10:38:23 AM) PaulSandoz: Me neither yet. I was kind of hoping the
> resource class could be proxied by the IoC container. Many discussions
> on the list w.r.t. Spring/Guice. The plan is to enable transacted
> methods by relying on an IoC container.
> (10:39:16 AM) PaulSandoz: Interesintg link
> (10:39:32 AM) FrankMartinez: Is there any (easy) way to intercept
> method calls without a Proxy ?
> (10:40:42 AM) PaulSandoz: Not currently, i have been relucant to
> introduce an interceptor model if it can be done using an IoC
> framework, as i don't want to introduce yet another interceptor model,
> but if the use-case is compelling enough we could do it...
> (10:42:25 AM) FrankMartinez: :D. I am reluctant to use an IoC
> container in this project! I am trying to maintain it as simple as
> possible!
> (10:43:04 AM) FrankMartinez: I wrote my own Injectors ....
> (10:43:33 AM) PaulSandoz: I see. Would you like to investigate what
> might be possible with Jersey?
> (10:44:02 AM) FrankMartinez: Yes i would like
> (10:44:07 AM) PaulSandoz: Cool :-)
> (10:44:44 AM) PaulSandoz: Feel free to create a branch and experiment...
> (10:45:56 AM) FrankMartinez: Ok. I will.
> (10:46:14 AM) PaulSandoz: I know others on the list will be very
> interested in this
> (10:46:42 AM) FrankMartinez: Can you give me some tips on where to
> start? (in the code struture)
> (10:48:24 AM) PaulSandoz: Yes, it would be easier if i send this by
> email, might not get around to it until late Thu for Fri. If you want
> a quick clue, look at the implementations of UriRule interface and put
> break points in the accept method.
> (10:49:03 AM) FrankMartinez: Ok. Good!
> (10:50:35 AM) FrankMartinez: I have a specific question: Is possible
> to register an Injector that catch all not registered types?
> (10:50:58 AM) PaulSandoz: what do you mean by "registered type"
> (10:51:02 AM) PaulSandoz: ?
> (10:51:31 AM) PaulSandoz: A root resource class, message body reader/writer ?
> (10:51:51 AM) FrankMartinez: You register Injectors associating it with a Class
> (10:52:47 AM) PaulSandoz: You mean for injecting say @Context Foo foo.
> But an instance of Foo does not exist?
> (10:54:45 AM) FrankMartinez:
> @DAO
> MyDaoType dao;
> but there is no wa.addInjectable(MyDaoType.class, injector)
> instead there is wa.addInjectable(Object.class, injector) or something
> like this.
> (10:56:30 AM) PaulSandoz: It is encapsulated in the injector instance
> (10:56:55 AM) PaulSandoz: See WebApplicationImpl.createInjectables
> (10:57:13 AM) FrankMartinez: ok. thanks!
> (10:58:08 AM) PaulSandoz: I think you can extend ServletContainer and
> add your own for @DAO and the type MyDaoType
> (10:58:46 AM) FrankMartinez: I did.
> But i have had to do this:
> protected void configure(ServletConfig servletConfig,
> ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
> super.configure(servletConfig, rc, wa);
> AnnotatedClassScanner scanner = new AnnotatedClassScanner(DAO.class);
> Set<Class> daos = scanner.scan(new String[] {"com.zonacomun.zc.dao"});
> for (Class cls : daos) {
> wa.addInjectable(cls, new DataServiceInjectable());
> LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "iBatis-Ext DAO: " + cls.getSimpleName());
> }
> }
> (11:00:02 AM) PaulSandoz: WHat is the problem :-)
> (11:00:16 AM) FrankMartinez: No problem!
> (11:00:23 AM) PaulSandoz: Oh!
> (11:00:26 AM) PaulSandoz: :-)
> (11:01:38 AM) FrankMartinez: But what if you can register only one
> Injectable wich is selected if there is no Injectable for the
> specified type? ...
> (11:03:58 AM) PaulSandoz: I see, Martin Grotzke as been experimenting
> with something like that for just the @Context annotation and we could
> generalize this for any annotation.
> (11:04:13 AM) PaulSandoz: Do you want email the users list and sync up
> with him on that?
> (11:04:27 AM) FrankMartinez: Ok.
> Cheers,
> Frank.