Hi all,
I'm trying out Jersey and something stands out... I don't see a way
that someone can cause text to emit into the WADL 'doc' element, which
is available on most elements in WADL (such as request, resource,
resources, etc).
Am I missing something?
I think the value here is obvious, but I'll state it anyway just in case:
Giving a way to allow developers to document the individual elements
of an interface, in the structure that those elements occur, greatly
lowers the bar for creating documentation. Javadoc is probably the
best example.
Specific to Jersey and WADLs, one can then easily process the XML
using XSLT or XPATH and generate quality documentation.
The 'doc' element can be seen in the WADL specification:
https://wadl.dev.java.net/wadl20061109.pdf. p21-29 for RelaxNG or
XSD definitions.
So anyway, if there isn't a way to do this today, is the next step for
me to open an enhancement request in the tracker?