Yes sorry, it was late and I was getting frustrated. I confirmed that there
is another asm.jar and asm-attr.jar from Hibernate in my wepapp's lib
directory. The asm-3.1.jar from jersey seems incompatible with the asm.jar
from Hibernate and vice-versa. I did some quick removing of .jars before I
left this morning.
Not sure at this point what to do about it. Thanks for the replies.
On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 17:45:52 +0200
Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Richard Levenberg wrote:
> > Does this error mean that there were too many classes/libs that it had
> > to search through or something else?
> >
> Hmm... i think "SEVERE: Allocate exception for servlet ..." means there was
> an error initiating the servlet. What version of ASM are you using?
> From the exception (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError) my guess is that the
> signature of the method:
> org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.accept(ClassVisitor, int)
> that jersey was compiled against (using asm 3.1) does not match the
> signature of the method in the asm jar you are using in the class path.
> > If the there were too many is there any way to further qualify the
> > search to minimize the stuff it has to search through?
> >
> Yes, if using servlet you can set the init-param
> ""
> with a ';' separate list of paths (that are relative the the location of
> the web application).
> Paul.