Best Way to implement resource uri

From: Leif Gensert <>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 17:05:37 +0200


I'm writing an REST-Web-Service which returns Plain Old XML. I'd like
to add a resource URI to all my resource. It should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<p:Parts xmlns:p=""
      <Part id="00345" xlink:href=""/>
      <Part id="00346" xlink:href=""/>
      <Part id="00347" xlink:href=""/>
      <Part id="00348" xlink:href=""/>

What I'm currently doing is, add the base-url to every resource object
manually as an attribute and let jaxb do the rest.

Isn't there a nicer way in JSR-311 oder jersey to achieve this feature?
