On Apr 21, 2008, at 7:50 AM, Martin Probst wrote:
> Hi Paul,
>> https://jersey.dev.java.net/servlets/ReadMsg?list=users&msgNo=1057
> I didn't find that message, that explains a lot. For me personally,
> supporting Form beans via classes would probably be all I need - in
> my opinion, after some time you nearly always want something like a
> command object for your form submission, so this approach seems right.
Yes. It can be useful from the client side (servers can be clients)
too, for testing purposes or otherwise.
>> Does that seem like a sensible approach to you?
> Yes, very much so.
>> As i said before i think the biggest hurdle is non-technical and
>> it is about getting the time to implement it :-) anybody want to
>> have a go? If so i can send more details on the resource method
>> dispatching logic, as it is not well documented.
> I could take a look at it, but I'll have to get more familiar with
> Jersey first :-)
OK, just ask away if you have any questions. If you just need Form
beans via classes then it should be a lot easier :-)