Re: Jersey extensions

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 18:04:27 +0100

Hi Paul

> I could allow functionality to obtain the abstract model for any
> resource class, or even inject a model for a resource onto a resource.
> The harder bit is augmenting the runtime model to add functionality to
> respond to GET/OPTIONs/URIs. I could expose that for manipulation by
> plugins to add/modify their own stuff (i had some half baked stuff to do
> that, but removed it). It would need some tidying up. As i said if you
> need it we can work on it.

Thanks for your feedback and explaining how Jersey might provide an access to its undelying abstract model. At this stage I'm really trying to explore what is feasible with regard to adding add-on features on top of Jersey and the idea behing AbstractModel sounds promising.

IMHO it would be quite a useful feature, especially in cases when this abstract model needs to be reasoned upon before the invocation hits the actual resource class, such that an application code can choose not to be aware of the model and stay a bit more portable across mutiple JAX-RS impls. I'll be quite happy to contribute if/when more concrete requirements to provide extensions on top of Jersey get materialized, I'd get back to you then...

Thanks again, Sergey

> --
> | ? + ? = To question
> ----------------\
> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
> +33-4-76188109
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