Re: spring-integration: initiating webapplication fails with _at_Context annotated field in AbstractJAXBElementProvider

From: Jean Aurambault <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:28:37 +0200

Martin Grotzke wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 10:28 +0200, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> On Apr 11, 2008, at 9:23 AM, Martin Grotzke wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> yesterday I started to write tests for the spring-integration (using
>>> embedded jetty as you posted some weeks ago, which is really cool
>>> btw :)).
>> Great. (BTW i plan to switch to Grizzly for embedded servlet testing
>> after the 0.7 release).
> Ok. With jetty it took some time for me to notice that I have to use the
> spring servlet for spring initialization - I didn't find out how to
> configure a servlet context listener. Hopefully with Grizzly this is
> easier then :)
> Just for interest: in what is Grizzly better than Jetty?
Maybe this can help with jetty:

        ServletHolder serveHolder = new ServletHolder(SpringServlet.class);
        server = new Server(port);
        Context context = new Context(server, "/", Context.SESSIONS);
        ContextLoaderListener listener = new ContextLoaderListener();
"classpath:applicationContext.xml classpath:applicationContextTest.xml");
        context.addServlet(serveHolder, "/*");

>>> When doing this I noticed, that WebApplication.initiate fails when
>>> injectResources is invoked for XMLJAXBElementProvider (which inherits
>>> the field
>>> @Context private ContextResolver<JAXBContext> cr;
>>> from AbstractJAXBElementProvider).
>>> How is this realized, how can I test on this case? The issue is,
>>> that I
>>> currently try to get an instance of a @Context annotated field, if
>>> there's no type->injectable mapping existing for the field type.
>> Developers can register stuff like this:
>> @Provider
>> public class MyResolver implements ContextResolver<JAXBContext> {
>> }
>> and an aggregated instance of such providers will be added to the
>> list of injectables (see the WebApplicaitonImpl.init method). In
>> general a developer can add a resolver for any type. If there are no
>> such providers then no injectable will be registered and thus it will
>> be null. We should not defer to the component provider for types of
>> ContextResolver (off the top of my head i cannot recall if there are
>> others as well).
> Hopefully not :)
> So for now I don't inject @Context annotated fields if the field type is
> ContextResolver.
>>> Another possibility would be to use the annotation->injectable
>>> thing for this, another would be to use another annotation than
>>> @Context.
> What do you think about this? I'm not completely happy with the "inject
> instances pulled from the component provider if the field is annotated
> with @Context and we don't have better alternatives"-thing as it seems
> to me to be somehow magic - or not very stable. I'm just not sure and
> wanted to raise the question again.
> If we would use the annotation-injectable way the spring-integration
> module could define it's own @Inject annotation and inject beans pulled
> from spring. The disadvantage is, that this logic has to be duplicated
> for different IoC-backends...
> Cheers,
> Martin
>> Paul.
>>> Here's the stack trace:
>>> java.lang.InstantiationException:
>>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>>> at
>>> $AdaptingComponentProvider.getInstance(
>>> at
>>> $3.getInjectableValue(
>>> at
>>> at
>>> (
>>> at
>>> (
>>> at$300
>>> (
>>> at
>>> $AdaptingComponentProvider.getInstance(
>>> at
>>> (
>>> at
>>> (
>>> at<init>
>>> (
>>> at
>>> (
>>> Another possibility would be to use the annotation->injectable
>>> thing for
>>> this, another would be to use another annotation than @Context.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin
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