Re: Maven Repository

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:11:13 +0100

Dan Diephouse wrote:
> Are the jars for Jersey up on Maven yet?

Yes, sorry i should of made things clearer in the announcing blog entry.
The jars were pushed to the repo [1] on the release date.

> We'd like to get a release of
> our Mule/Jersey connector out and this would make things a lot easier
> for our users. Any chance we could at least get them up on the
> repo now that 0.5 is out?

Great! Let me know if you have an issues or improvements to make the
integration into Mule easier.

There is a new dependency on 'asm-3.1'. But, if you are integrating into
your own container and use your own ResourceConfig implementaion then
you may be able to remove this dependency. By default Jersey uses the
ClasspathResourceConfig for the containers it supports, which depends on
'asm-3.1' (as does the PackagesResourceConfig). The dependency stuff is
documented here [2].




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    Paul Sandoz