Re: Restful web service threading question

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 17:46:50 +0100

Hi ks,


I had to write a little program to test this out as i was very confused
why the synchronization block would work for multiple instances of the
Draft class.

Doh! the "" is a constant hence a non-static field with that value for
two different instances will have the same reference.

If the mutex value is changed to:

   String mutex = new String("");

then things will not work.


KSChan wrote:
> Paul,
> indeed, the class likes this ..
> @UriTemplate( "/draft" )
> @ProduceMime( "text/xml" )
> @ConsumeMime( "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
> class Draft {
> String mutex = "";
> @UriTemplate( "/aTemplate" )
> @HttpMethod( "GET" )
> public Response webServiceOperation( ... ) {
> synchronized ( mutex ) {
> // obtain JDBC connection here
> }
> // carry DB operation here
> }
> }
> what i do is to provide ontology processing through Jena API. I don't
> know what's happening in Jena but when there is concurrent request, the
> API's operation break ... i worked around with the above synchronization.
> ks.
> On Jan 22, 2008 6:33 PM, Paul Sandoz <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi ks,
> What are the annoations on the Draft class?
> Is the Draft class a singleton instantiated once per-application rather
> than per-request?
> If Draft is instantiated per-request then i am surprised your solution
> below will work as the mutex reference will be unique for each request.
> If Draft is instantiated once per-application then this should work,
> although it may not be necessary to use mutex as you can do the
> following instead:
> class Draft {
> public Response webServiceOperation( ... ) {
> synchronized ( this ) {
> // obtain JDBC connection here
> }
> // carry DB operation here
> }
> }
> if synchronizing on 'this' does not interfere with other operations you
> have defined.
> I am not sure how you are using the JDBC connection stuff but you might
> want to take a look at the Bookmark example, which uses JPA. There is
> limited support for DB stuff for injecting an EntityManagerFactory
> corresponding to a persistence unit name (see the web.xml file). From
> that thread safe class an entity manager can be created to perform DB
> operations using JPA.
> Paul.
> KSChan wrote:
> > Marc,
> >
> > I have solved the problem by using synchronization as normal
> threading
> > model.
> >
> > In my case, I have concurrent AJAX calls to the web service in
> which the
> > web service obtains a JDBC connection from the glassfish connection
> > pool. I don't know whether the connection obtained is the same
> among the
> > threads but I got error when the DB operation is carried out
> sometimes.
> >
> > My solution is like this ..
> >
> > class Draft {
> > String mutex = "";
> > public Response webServiceOperation( ... ) {
> > synchronized ( mutex ) {
> > // obtain JDBC connection here
> > }
> > // carry DB operation here
> > }
> > }
> >
> > ks.
> >
> > On Jan 21, 2008 4:57 PM, Paul Sandoz <
> <>
> > < <>>> wrote:
> >
> > CC'ing as ks is not a member of the users list.
> >
> > Paul.
> >
> > Marc Hadley wrote:
> > > On Jan 19, 2008, at 1:31 AM, KSChan wrote:
> > >>
> > >> I am facing a problem that more than one concurrent web
> service
> > >> threads are accessing the same resource and making something
> > wrong ...
> > >>
> > >> How can I deal with this?
> > >>
> > > The default is that Jersey will create a new resource class
> > instance for
> > > each request (thread) so unless you have some static
> fields that
> > aren't
> > > protected by a mutex then you should be OK. Can you
> describe in a
> > little
> > > more detail what your resource class looks like and what
> problem
> > you are
> > > seeing ?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Marc.
> > >
> > > ---
> > > Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at <>
> <>>
> > > CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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> > | ? + ? = To question
> > ----------------\
> > Paul Sandoz
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> >
> >
> > --
> > I, have a dream. I want to make my dream come true.
> >
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> --
> | ? + ? = To question
> ----------------\
> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
> +33-4-76188109
> --
> I, have a dream. I want to make my dream come true.
> <>

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    Paul Sandoz