Re: Problems with wWebLogic

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 15:32:37 +0100

Hi Jose,

I just added some tests for the class scanner and package scanner for
zip files that are jar files.

I modified ResourceClassScanner code to check for a zip file when class

     private void index(File file) {
         if (file.isDirectory()) {
             indexDir(file, true);
         } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".jar") ||
                 file.getName().endsWith(".zip")) {
         } else {

So by default files ending in .zip that are jar files will also be scanned.

But I did not have to modify the source code related to package scanning
you pointed to as things just worked for me.

In any case i committed the check for the zip protocol [*] (although i
cannot test it!) Thanks!

> Paul, why not add weblogic support in jersey-0.6?
> you can download an evaluation version of weblogic to resolve this.

Tis an issue with time/resources as i just don't have a lot of it to go
test and verify anything beyond GF and Tomcat.

But i am definitely interested in rooting out these interop issues
because it will affect what we specify as the default behvaiour for
JAX-RS. So your feedback has been of great help.


[*] I notice that the Struts code Richard pointed to only checks for the
  "file" protocol and if not then checks for a '!' character in the URL
to determine if it is a jar file.

Jose Antonio Illescas del Olmo wrote:
> The problem in Weblogic are the URLs, with "zip" protocol (instead of
> jar), you can fixed ResourceClassScanner to allows ZIP protocol (also
> you can change URL protocol from "zip" to "jar")
> private void index(URL u, String filePackageName) {
> String protocol = u.getProtocol();
> if (protocol.equals("file")) {
> indexDir(new File(u.getPath()), false);
> } else if ( protocol.equals("jar") *|| protocol.equals("zip")*) {
> URI jarUri = URI.create(u.getPath());
> String jarFile = jarUri.getPath();
> jarFile = jarFile.substring(0,
> jarFile.indexOf('!'));
> indexJar(new File(jarFile), filePackageName);
> } else {
> LOGGER.warning("URL, " +
> u +
> ", is ignored, it not a file or a jar
> file");
> }
> }
> I asume that same error force the search of resource classes across
> PackagesResourceConfig...
> *Paul, why not add weblogic support in jersey-0.6?*
> you can download an evaluation version of weblogic to resolve this.
> Thank you
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Arturo,
>> It appears that WebLogic is behaving differently to Tomcat, Glassfish
>> and Jetty (see end of email for an issue with Jetty and a possibly
>> solution to your problem).
>> Has any one tried WebSphere or the JBoss application server?
>> By default the servlet (see JavaDoc of
>> searches the
>> following paths returned from calling:
>> context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/lib"),
>> context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/classes")
>> I am assuming, from the error, that WebLogic is returning null. We may
>> well be relying on non-standard behaviour in web containers :-( grr
>> very frustrating...
>> In my blog [1] i describe another way to configure a servlet by
>> specifying the package names to search for root resource classes. This
>> was developed in response an issue Richard was having when deploying
>> using Jetty in a mode that does not assemble a war file (maybe
>> WebLogic is doing the same?).
>> Hope this helps,
>> Paul.
>> [1]
>> Arturo wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I am trying to deploy a Jersey example in WebLogic 10. But it seems that
>>> I need new properties with version 0.5.
>>> Now I get the following error:
>>> <18-ene-2008 17H33' CET> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149265> <Failure
>>> occurred in the execution of deployment request with ID '1200674019181'
>>> for task '0'. Error is: 'weblogic.application.ModuleException:
>>> [HTTP:101216]Servlet: "RESTServlet" failed to preload on startup in Web
>>> application: "rest.war".
>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
>>> contains no paths
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper
>>> $
>>> at
>>> at
>>> Source)
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.createServlet(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.StubLifecycleHelper.createOneInstance(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.StubLifecycleHelper.<init>(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadServlet(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.loadServletsOnStartup(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadResources(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.start(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(
>>> at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver
>>> $
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.start(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.start(
>>> at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver
>>> $
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.StartModulesFlow.activate(
>>> at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment
>>> $
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.activate(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.activate(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.AppContainerInvoker.activate(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.activate(
>>> My web.xml is as follows:
>>> <servlet>
>>> <servlet-name>RESTServlet</servlet-name>
>>> <servlet-class></servlet-class>
>>> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
>>> </servlet>
>>> In Tomcat 6, it works perfectly.
>>> I have tried with previous versions in WebLogic and I have always got a
>>> "NullPointerException" error deploying Jersey.
>>> weblogic.application.ModuleException: [HTTP:101216]Servlet:
>>> "RESTServlet" failed to preload on startup in Web application:
>>> "rest.war".
>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper
>>> $
>>> at
>>> at
>>> Source)
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.createServlet(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.StubLifecycleHelper.createOneInstance(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.StubLifecycleHelper.<init>(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadServlet(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.loadServletsOnStartup(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadResources(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.start(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(
>>> at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver
>>> $
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.start(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.start(
>>> at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver
>>> $
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.StartModulesFlow.activate(
>>> at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment
>>> $
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.activate(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.activate(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(
>>> at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver
>>> $
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
>>> at
>>> weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
>>> Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
>>> In Tomcat 6 it works.
>>> I would appreciate any help.....
>>> Thanks in advance.
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| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz