Re: return different Mime type from the same method

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 13:18:34 +0100

Hi Guilhem,

Glad you found a solution :-)

In your case is the decision on what media to return based on the value
of a query parameter?

The selection with @ProduceMime is driven from the HTTP Accept header in
the client request.

Note that we are working to ensure better support for media types and
dynamic selection but we are not quite there yet. 0.5 will have support
dynamic selection based on 'variants' that will work in conjunction with
@ProduceMime. When implemented i will send out an example.

For 0.6 we plan to investigate support for suffices in the URI path like
".xml" and ".png" that "do the right thing" w.r.t to method selection
and the Accept header.


We are working
guilhem legal wrote:
> Thank's for your help, but i found my solution in the example of jersey
> release (i should read it before asking on the list)
> it is possible to change dynamically the mime type like this :
> @HttpMethod("GET")
> public Response treatGETrequest() throws IOException {
> String help = "<xml>blablabla</xml>";
> File img = new File("C:\\198543.png");
> if ( //cas 1)
> Response r = Response.Builder.representation(help,
> "text/xml").header("resource3-header", "text/xml").build();
> else
> Response r = Response.Builder.representation(img,
> "image/png").header("resource3-header", "image/png").build();
> return r;
> }
> Guilhem Legal
> guilhem legal a écrit :
>> I'll try to put two GET methods in my class one with
>> @produceMime("text/xml) and one with @produceMime("image/png) but it
>> always the first whitch is call.
>> But what i really want is to received a list of parameter and then
>> after some process i will decided if i send xml or an image.
>> Christian a écrit :
>>> Yes you can (and should) have different GET methods in the same class.
>>> I think what you're looking for is having two get methods on the same
>>> path
>>> with different produced mime types ? should work fine.
>>> 2007/12/6, guilhem legal <>:
>>>> I'm working on the implementation of an OGC so i my query must be :
>>>> http://localhost:8080/WMServerJ/wms?param1=value&param2...... (in GET
>>>> only)
>>>> I really begin with jersey , can we do 2 @HttpMethod("GET") in a same
>>>> class and how we can specify that a want to enter in some function and
>>>> not in another?
>>>> Guilhem Legal
>>>> Christian a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Guilhem,
>>>>> I don't know if changing the mime type programmatically is possible or
>>>> not,
>>>>> you will want to hear the response from other users.
>>>>> But I guess it would be better practice to have different functions
>>>> serving
>>>>> the different response anyway.
>>>>> Is there anything that prevents you from doing so ?
>>>>> 2007/12/6, guilhem legal <>:
>>>>>> hi!
>>>>>> I am a beginner with jersey and i have a little issue :
>>>>>> i would like to return different Mime type from the same method
>>>>>> (image/png or text/xml).
>>>>>> if i put this @ProduceMime("image/png") on my method this work when i
>>>>>> return a File, but i can't return xml.
>>>>>> if i put @ProduceMime("text/xml") i can't return image.
>>>>>> and if i put @ProduceMime("*/*) and i return a file this works for
>>>>>> both
>>>>>> but the browser does not open the file and ask me to download it.
>>>>>> can we change dynamically the ProduceMime Type?
>>>>>> or can we adjust the return type with @ProduceMime("*/*) to
>>>>>> display an
>>>>>> image? (for xml i can return string but for image?)
>>>>>> if you have a solution to my probleme please reply me.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Guilhem Legal
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    Paul Sandoz