Re: upgrading nb project files from version 5->6

From: Farrukh Najmi <>
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 11:46:31 -0500

Jakub Podlesak wrote:
> Hi Farrukh,
> maybe one stupid question on maven: is it possible
> to define a dependency on a jar file which does not exist
> in any maven repository already? I mean you might also
> want to depend on just a version of a jar which
> is not available...

A depency may be declared with a scope attribute of "provided" which
means that it is provided at runtime in the container somehow.

> I mean, such a move (e.g. to maven) is not only about
> benefits, but also about certain (possible) future
> constraints for the project, right?

I am not sure what you mean above but I guess it sounds right. One can
do anything they can do in ant in maven and much much more.
It took about 1 week of effort in a mavenization branch to move wadl
project to maven. Marc can perhaps cpmment on the experience.
In fact that project could be used as a sample for such a move. Please
note that I am under deadline these days so I cannot sign up for the task
even if dev team agrees to the proposal. I can however provide help to
someone who takes on the task.

Of course all this makes sense only when the dev team feels comfortable
and wants go for it.


> ~Jakub
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 11:08:09AM -0500, Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>> Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>>> Hi Farrukh,
>>> Nice idea. However i dont feel i have enough experience
>>> with maven to even only tell jersey project could benefit from
>>> such a change. It would be great if you could shortly
>>> summarize the benefits.
>> Sure - not sure how short I can be though...
>> <from an older email>
>> Maven is not just for building executables. It does far too many useful
>> things but if I were to pick
>> the most important one it is dependency management between versions of
>> components. We are all too familiar with the DLL or jar hell problem.
>> Maven goes a long way to make that thorny problem much
>> more manageable.
>> A few more immediate benefits I see are through the use of the following
>> maven plugins:
>> *
>> o Will help us automate the copying and filtering of resources
>> from repo structure (no version in path) to distribution
>> structue (with correct version in path)
>> *
>> o Will help us generate the web site for our project in a
>> consistent manner
>> *
>> o Will allow us to automatically create the jar file (a better
>> zip file) for packaging our spec artifacts
>> *
>> o Will automatically generate a change log between different
>> versions of spec
>> *
>> o Will automatically generate a report from issue tracking or
>> a change document for informing the user community about a
>> new version
>> *
>> o Will automatically generate shell scripts for windows and linux
>> for running applications packaged as jars. All classpath etc. is
>> taken care of for you.
>> *
>> o Provides smooth test automation
>> *
>> o Provides software release automation (very important time and
>> error saver)
>> *
>> o Provides software deployment to server hosting a public maven
>> repository (very important time and error saver)
>> *
>> o Provides automatic web site generation
>> The list is actually almost endless but my fingures tire ;-)
>> Surely we can do all of above manually (as we obviously have done very
>> well in the past).
>> The benefit I see of using maven is the standardization and automation
>> it provides to make
>> all of above become a mindless side effect of a standardized artifact
>> management system.
>> </from an older email>
>>> Regarding nb project files upgrade, to be honest the major change driver
>>> is a "fetaure" of netbeans 6 which is used to silently upgrade/rewrite
>>> nb5 project files to newer version without telling you.
>>> It can simply lead to "silent upgrade" of the project files
>>> in the repository...
>>> ...and well, i want to use the latest greatest netbeans anyway ;-)
>> No Objections. BTW maven projects work great in NB 55 as well as NB66
>> and require no changes to anything. It all driven by the pom.
>> All you need is to enable the mevenide plugin which ships as part of NB6.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Farrukh Najmi
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Farrukh Najmi