Re: Guice provider

From: Christian <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 20:45:24 +0100


thanx for the comments. Being able to define a default ressource factory and
true MVC coming are both good news.
I've experienced with both freemarker and velocity, I prefer velocity
syntax, that's just taste. And I've switched all projects to freemarker for
the native xml support, and better performance. However I'm pretty sure when
you get a solid fundation for integrating one the other one will follow
almost for free.

Concerning groovy, with both support for class annotations and method
annotation, plus the groovy bytecode compiler, stop me if I'm wrong but
services written in groovy should work out of the box ?
What a specific integration could bring leveraging meta programming would be
instant reload. (no groovyc compiler), and not explicitely inject. Since I
love groovy I may want to try some work there, I'll let you know if I reach
something interesting.

However about returning a closure type, I'm not pretty sure I understand
what jersey/groovy would do with it then ?

