sudhakar wrote:
> Thanks!
> Got it working and blogged it for future reference.
I have highlighted your work and the work Frank is doing to make this
whole area a lot easier.
> -sud
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>>> Hi Sudhakar,
>>> There is a simple hello world webapp bundled along with Jersey.
>>> In [examples/HelloWorldWebApp] subdirectory you can try:
>>> % ant
>>> % $AS_HOME/bin/asadmin start-domain
>>> % $AS_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy dist/SimpleServlet.war
>>> Then look at [build.xml] file for:
>>> - taskdef name="rbpt"
>>> - target name="-pre-compile"
>>> which include the important part of "configuration".
>>> The above mentioned was also described in
>>> an old version of [docs/getting-started.html] document,
>>> but I do not know where it ended up.
>>> Might be Paul could know?
>> This area needs some major rework. I want to revamp all of this and
>> improve the implementation. Two possible improvements:
>> 1) JAX-WS 2.1 and JAXB 2.1 will be included in Java SE 6 update 5 (IIRC)
>> that means i can remove a whole bunch of class loader tricks; and
>> 2) potentially removing it completely and depend on the proof of concept
>> of using the byte code processor that Frank has produced.
>> The best thing to do at the moment is look at the web/WEB-INF/web.xml
>> and the "pre-compile" target bits of the build.xml and adapt to your
>> own build infrastructure.
>> You don't need to use the rbpt compile task if you:
>> 1) don't want to create WADL; and
>> 2) can manage the set of root resource classes yourself.
>> The init-param:
>> webresourceclass
>> of the servlet:
>> in the web.xml needs to point to the fully qualified class name of an
>> implementation of the interface:
>> It is recommend that you extend the class:
>> which implements ResourceConfig and has default settings configured,
>> for example like this:
>> public class RootResources extends DefaultResourceConfig {
>> public RootResources() {
>> super(RootResourceA.class, RootResourceB.class);
>> }
>> }
>> Where the classes RootResourceA and RootResourceB are root resources
>> annotated with a UriTemplate on the class.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Paul.
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Paul Sandoz