This is what I do:
@HttpMethod(value = "POST")
@ConsumeMime(value = "application/atom+xml;type=entry")
public Response postEntry(Entry entry) {
return Response.Builder.created(uri).lastModified(new Date
I get most of my inspiration from the Atomstore example project, a
lot of answers are found in the example projects.
On Oct 23, 2007, at 8:39 PM, Florian Rosenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently unit testing my resources. I have problems
> understanding the
> return code of a POST, for example, here is my method signature:
> @UriTemplate("customers/{id}")
> @HttpMethod("POST")
> public void addCustomer(@UriParam("id") String id, Customer data) {}
> Upon execution, the resource is created and returns a 204 code, which
> means "No content". This seems okay, but I rather expected a 201
> "Created"
> response.
> Is this the default return code for a successful HTTP POST? I
> checked the
> JavaDoc API, but I could not find any annotation that would allow
> me to
> set the return code I want to have.
> Thanks,
> -Florian
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