See here for a first draft of explicit dependencies:
Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Mitch Blevins wrote:
>> Thanks! That worked like a charm.
> Great.
> I have just fixed issue 4 [1], so if you choose to use a particular Java
> type for an entity then you only need to include the dependent jars for
> that type and its entity provider.
> For example, if you use just the Rome Feed/Entry classes then you need
> to include jdom-1.0.jar, rome-0.9.jar, the container jars, and runtime
> jars in the runtime classpath, and there is no need for additional cruft.
> Paul.
> [1] https://jersey.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4
>> On 8/30/07, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com> wrote:
>>> Mitch Blevins wrote:
>>>> Forgot the rest...
>>>> Using lwhttp and calling a SLSB on the server.
>>>> Unsure so far what Java types used for entities.
>>> I have just updated the HelloWorld example, see the latest build, to
>>> remove unused jars for tooling and containers. This contains the
>>> minimum amount of runtime dependent jars to work with the lwhttp
>>> container and any of the current entity providers. So you can look at
>>> the classpath of this example as a guide (see end of email).
>>> I have also modified the order in which entity provider classes are
>>> loaded so that if you are using String, byte[], File or InputStream you
>>> don't need to depend on jsr173_api.jar, jaxb-api.jar, jaxb-impl.jar,
>>> jdom-1.0.jar, jettison-1.0-RC1.jar, rome-0.9.jar, activation.jar or
>>> mail.jar (you can test by removing such jars from the HelloWorld
>>> example, i did and it worked fine). BUT! this should be used with
>>> caution until issue 4 is fixed.
>>> Currently there is a hard coded runtime dependency with
>>> persistence-api-1.0.jar, so it is not possible to currently remove this.
>>> Hopefully this will help you reduce things to the level you require,
>>> Paul.
>>> [1]
>>> file.reference.activation.jar=../../lib/activation.jar
>>> file.reference.http.jar=../../lib/http.jar
>>> file.reference.jaxb-api.jar=../../lib/jaxb-api.jar
>>> file.reference.jaxb-impl.jar=../../lib/jaxb-impl.jar
>>> file.reference.jdom-1.0.jar=../../lib/jdom-1.0.jar
>>> file.reference.jersey.jar=../../dist/jersey.jar
>>> file.reference.jettison-1.0-RC1.jar=../../lib/jettison-1.0-RC1.jar
>>> file.reference.jsr173_api.jar=../../lib/jsr173_api.jar
>>> file.reference.jsr250-api.jar=../../lib/jsr250-api.jar
>>> file.reference.jsr311-api.jar=../../lib/jsr311-api.jar
>>> file.reference.localizer.jar=../../lib/localizer.jar
>>> file.reference.mail.jar=../../lib/mail.jar
>>> file.reference.persistence-api-1.0.jar=../../lib/persistence-api-1.0.jar
>>> file.reference.rome-0.9.jar=../../lib/rome-0.9.jar
>>> javac.classpath=\
>>> ${file.reference.persistence-api-1.0.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.jsr250-api.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.jsr173_api.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.mail.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.activation.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.jaxb-api.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.jaxb-impl.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.jdom-1.0.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.rome-0.9.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.jettison-1.0-RC1.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.http.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.localizer.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.jsr311-api.jar}:\
>>> ${file.reference.jersey.jar}
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Mitch Blevins <blevins_at_iecokc.com>
>>>> Date: Aug 29, 2007 4:07 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Library guidance
>>>> To: users_at_jersey.dev.java.net
>>>> Details:
>>>> I'm using glassfish's support for automagic Java Web Start using the
>>>> application client container. The client container is already pretty
>>>> heavy, so I didn't want to add to it.
>>>> The hardware is this: http://www.norhtec.com/products/mcjr/index.html
>>>> with Debian Etch on it.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Mitch
>>>> On 8/29/07, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mitch,
>>>>> To add to Jakub's email: we need to better classify the jars into the
>>>>> following categories:
>>>>> 1) core, the required set of core runtime jars;
>>>>> 2) container, the jars dependent for a container;
>>>>> 3) entity, the jars dependent for entity providers; and
>>>>> 4) tool, the jars dependent for tooling functionality.
>>>>> I have just logged two issues. First [1] is to classify the jars. The
>>>>> second [2] is a bug related to the loading of entity providers.
>>>>> In the mean time if you can say what container you are using and what
>>>>> Java types are used for entities we can tell you what jars you
>>>>> need. For
>>>>> example, if you are using the light weight HTTP server then you don't
>>>>> need some of the EE related jars.
>>>>> Paul.
>>>>> [1] https://jersey.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3
>>>>> [2] https://jersey.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4
>>>>> Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mitch,
>>>>>> Is there any chance your embedded display (i do not know what
>>>>>> device it is; does it have anything to do with Java Web Start?)
>>>>>> provides some other jar files with necessary classes?
>>>>>> E.g. jaxb classes might have been placed in different jar files
>>>>>> than jaxb-*.jar. Then you could use the other jars.
>>>>>> Also could you please better specify, what functionality do you need
>>>>>> or send a sample code?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> ~Jakub
>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 06:46:42PM -0500, Mitch Blevins wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm attempting to use jersey in a JWS embedded display that is
>>>>>>> used on
>>>>>>> a factory floor. Because of the limited resources of the client,
>>>>>>> I'd
>>>>>>> like to eliminate any unnecessary jar downloads. Is there any
>>>>>>> documentation about which jars are needed for which
>>>>>>> functionality? I
>>>>>>> have fairly simple needs, but the jar list is long...
>>>>>>> activation.jar
>>>>>>> ant.jar
>>>>>>> comresrcgen.jar
>>>>>>> grizzly-1.0.13.jar
>>>>>>> http.jar
>>>>>>> jaxb-api.jar
>>>>>>> jaxb-impl.jar
>>>>>>> jaxb-xjc.jar
>>>>>>> jaxws-api.jar
>>>>>>> jaxws-tools.jar
>>>>>>> jdom-1.0.jar
>>>>>>> jersey.jar
>>>>>>> jettison-1.0-RC1.jar
>>>>>>> jsp-api-2.0-20040521.jar
>>>>>>> jsr173_api.jar
>>>>>>> jsr250-api.jar
>>>>>>> jsr311-api.jar
>>>>>>> localizer.jar
>>>>>>> mail.jar
>>>>>>> persistence-api-1.0.jar
>>>>>>> rome-0.9.jar
>>>>>>> servlet.jar
>>>>>>> wadl2java.jar
>>>>>>> Surely not all of these need to be downloaded to the client?
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>>>>> --
>>>>> | ? + ? = To question
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>>>>> Paul Sandoz
>>>>> x38109
>>>>> +33-4-76188109
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>>> --
>>> | ? + ? = To question
>>> ----------------\
>>> Paul Sandoz
>>> x38109
>>> +33-4-76188109
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Paul Sandoz