Re: Library guidance

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:26:56 +0200

Hi Mitch,

To add to Jakub's email: we need to better classify the jars into the
following categories:

1) core, the required set of core runtime jars;

2) container, the jars dependent for a container;

3) entity, the jars dependent for entity providers; and

4) tool, the jars dependent for tooling functionality.

I have just logged two issues. First [1] is to classify the jars. The
second [2] is a bug related to the loading of entity providers.

In the mean time if you can say what container you are using and what
Java types are used for entities we can tell you what jars you need. For
example, if you are using the light weight HTTP server then you don't
need some of the EE related jars.



Jakub Podlesak wrote:
> Hi Mitch,
> Is there any chance your embedded display (i do not know what
> device it is; does it have anything to do with Java Web Start?)
> provides some other jar files with necessary classes?
> E.g. jaxb classes might have been placed in different jar files
> than jaxb-*.jar. Then you could use the other jars.
> Also could you please better specify, what functionality do you need
> or send a sample code?
> Thanks,
> ~Jakub
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 06:46:42PM -0500, Mitch Blevins wrote:
>> I'm attempting to use jersey in a JWS embedded display that is used on
>> a factory floor. Because of the limited resources of the client, I'd
>> like to eliminate any unnecessary jar downloads. Is there any
>> documentation about which jars are needed for which functionality? I
>> have fairly simple needs, but the jar list is long...
>> activation.jar
>> ant.jar
>> comresrcgen.jar
>> grizzly-1.0.13.jar
>> http.jar
>> jaxb-api.jar
>> jaxb-impl.jar
>> jaxb-xjc.jar
>> jaxws-api.jar
>> jaxws-tools.jar
>> jdom-1.0.jar
>> jersey.jar
>> jettison-1.0-RC1.jar
>> jsp-api-2.0-20040521.jar
>> jsr173_api.jar
>> jsr250-api.jar
>> jsr311-api.jar
>> localizer.jar
>> mail.jar
>> persistence-api-1.0.jar
>> rome-0.9.jar
>> servlet.jar
>> wadl2java.jar
>> Surely not all of these need to be downloaded to the client?
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    Paul Sandoz