Re: Does jersey provide a startup hook?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:43:59 +0200

Aditya Gore wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> This seems to be at odds with section 2.2 of the draft 311 spec ("A
> new resource class instance is created for each request to that
> resource"). I tried it however and it seems to work.

Well spotted :-) you are right.

The plan is to make per-request the default, to support per-application
singleton via an annotation, and allow a developer to plug in their own
life-cycle/injection strategy. Marc is working on this, see

When we merge that branch with the trunk we will send an announcement,
including on what breaks and how to transition existing code.


> regards,
> :aditya
>> You need a singleton root resource that is responsible for controlling
>> the life-cycle of the sub-resources and so on down the hierarchy.
>> @UriTemplate("/")
>> class Root {
>> AddressBooks r;
>> Root() {
>> r = ...
>> }
>> @UriTemplate("books")
>> AddressBooks getBooks() {
>> return r;
>> }
>> }
>> class AddressBooks {
>> AddressBook[] r;
>> AddressBook() {
>> r = ...
>> }
>> @UriTemplate("{book}")
>> AddressBook getBook(@UriParam("book") int book) {
>> return r[i];
>> }
>> }
>> So when the URI path '/books/1' is processed an instance of AddressBook
>> will be returned to the Jersey runtime and an HTTP request will be
>> dispatched to that instance.
>> Thus it is possible to say get information from a file system or
>> database and cache the resources in memory. Of course one needs to
>> manage states changes correctly...
>> Another way is for the Root resource to instantiate the address book
>> info object and pass this as a construction parameter to the sub-resources.
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    Paul Sandoz