_at_QueryParam Observations with different URI's

From: James Weir <James.Weir_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 11:28:10 +0200

I have looking at how to use the Jersey API and the @QueryParam using
the StorageService example.

I have the following method:

public class SolutionsResource {
    public Response searchSolutions(@QueryParam("q") String search,
@QueryParam("hl") String lang) {...}

Using a simple search/query string it worked no problem at all. I was
even surprised that you converted the "+" in the URI back to a space for
me (excellent I thought I was going to have to do that myself). My
example was:

"query message" is:

I receive:
search: "query message"
lang: "en"

I then started playing around with other simple query/search strings. I
used the google substitutions for different symbols i.e.:
space ==> "+"
"+" ==> "%2B"
"&" ==> "%26"
"|" ==> "%7C"

These are the observations I made:

_Example 1_
"query + message" is:

I receive:
search: "query message" (3 spaces)
lang: "en"

So the "+" is not preserved

_Example 2_
"query & message" is:

I receive:
search: "query"
lang: "en"

So the second part of the message (namely the & and word "message" is

_Example 3
_"query || message"

It works, I receive:
search: "query || message"
lang: "en"


 From these observations I have a some questions.

Firstly are observations made in Example 1 and Example 2 bugs or are you
using other symbols to represent "&" and "+" ?.

Also it seems that my method can have many different QueryParams, at the
moment I only have two but I could see myself extending this. Do you
have any guidelines on the maximum number of QueryParams a method should
have and the consequent performance impact ?.
