Re: [Jersey] Re: Spring framework support for Jersey 2

From: Marko Asplund <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 00:47:27 +0300


I was finally able to find some time to work with Jersey 2 Spring
integration again.

Now, the prototype implementation supports the following features:
- inject Spring beans into Jersey managed JAX-RS resource classes
- allow JAX-RS resource classes to be managed by Spring instead of Jersey
- support singleton and request scopes for both of the above

I haven't yet ported the Jersey 1 Spring integration test cases, but I
could try to look into this later.

Before starting to work on the test cases, would it be possible for you, or
some other person in the Jersey development team, to take a look at the
integration prototype? Just to see if it meets the functional requirements
and that the design is viable?

The code can be found here:

best regards,
