Re: More extensive unit testing and code coverage report?

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 13:24:42 +0100


please see inline.

On 02/17/2011 12:29 PM, Yegor Bugayenko wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> Maybe you can use maven-cobertura-plugin
> ( Using this plugin
> you won't need any script. You just add a few lines to the parent
> pom.xml, and that's it. Or you're already proceeding this way?
yep, it is done that way, you may check poms if you want. It wasn't that
simple with jersey, but I managed to get usable results from what we
have now; the script I posted previously is used mainly for coverage
info collection and report generation. If you have some experience
and/or want to suggest some improvement, feel free to do so.

> I'd be glad to contribute with unit tests. Shall I submit them as
> patches in JIRA or I can get a write-access to SVN? Any approach is
> fine for me.

JIRA issues with patches is good way how to start, you might get write
access to svn after few added tests (we just need to have chance to
review your work, check whether tests don't break anything.. simply -
gain mutual trust).


> —
> Yegor Bugayenko, PMP®
> <> (Team as a Service™)
> tel. 650.681.4161, skype: egor256
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Pavel Bucek <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Egor,
> well, there is definitely room for improvement, I recently
> modified jersey poms to include cobertura do to code coverage and
> we can see that not everything is covered as we would like.
> But! For example, jersey-core does not have much unit tests in
> itself included, but you can find jersey-core related tests in
> jersey-tests module.
> If you want to see test coverage for jersey, you can test it by
> yourself or wait for a week or so, I plan to publish them on
> project page or somewhere visible.
> "script" you can use to generate test coverage report with
> cobertura (don't execute it unless you know what you are doing):
> svn co svn cp
> <>
> cd jersey
> rm -rf ./osgi # we don't care about this, its just duplicate of
> jersey-tests
> mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dcobertura
> find . -d -name src | sed 's/src/pom.xml/' | while read X ; do mvn
> clean cobertura:cobertura -Dcobertura -DforkMode=never
> -Dnet.sourceforge.cobertura.datafile=./cobertura.ser -f "$X" ; done
> rm ../cobertura*
> rm ./cobertura_final.ser
> mkdir ../sources
> find . | grep src/main/java$ | while read X ; do cp -r "$X"/*
> ../sources/ ; done
> I=1; find . | grep cobertura.ser$ | while read X ; do cp "$X"
> ../cobertura$I.ser ; I=$(($I+1)) ; done;
> --datafile ./cobertura_final.ser ../cobertura*
> rm -rf ../report
> --datafile ./cobertura_final.ser --destination
> ../report --format html ../sources/
> Best think you should do now is:
> - create new tests which will improve test coverage
> - create new issue on issue tracker, add your diff as a patch to it
> Others might add something; nevertheless, we are looking forward
> to hearing for you again and it would be really goof if you'll be
> able to contribute!
> Thanks in advance,
> Pavel
> On 02/17/2011 11:52 AM,
> <> wrote:
> I'm a using Jersey for the last year in a few projects of my
> company.
> The framework is great, but according to what we see in its
> source code
> repository there is a lack of unit tests for key modules, like
> jersey-api, jersey-core, etc.
> I'm willing to contribute to the project and create missing
> unit tests,
> which will increase entire project coverage. I already filled
> my SCA.
> Please help me to do this. Thanks!