FW: [Jersey] jersey-json _at_Consume POST

From: Gallagher,Patrick <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 10:48:29 -0500

Thanks Paul and Jakup. This all works great and I'm now where I need to be with JSON support. Appreciate all the support and dialog!



Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 16:48:51 +0100

From: Jakub Podlesak <Jakub.Podlesak_at_Sun.COM>

Subject: [Jersey] jersey-json @Consume POST


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 04:17:07PM +0100, Paul Sandoz wrote:


> On Oct 27, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Gallagher,Patrick wrote:


> >Thanks Paul. I have also come across another issue while working

> >through this one. I created an issue [1] that illustrates this.

> >I'm responding on this thread due to the issue coming to life while

> >troubleshooting my initial problem and for completeness.

> >

> >1.

> >


> Thanks. Jakub can confirm but i think you will need to add a

> ContextResolver for namespaces support.


> For example, create the following class:


> @Provider

> public static class Resolver implements

> ContextResolver<JAXBContext> {

> private final JSONJAXBContext context;


> public Resolver() throws Exception {

> this.context = new

> JSONJAXBContext(JSONConfiguration.natural().build(), "json.junit");

> }


> public JAXBContext getContext(Class<?> type) {

> if (type == ReqType.class) {

> return context;

> }


> return null;

> }

> }



> make sure it is registered on the server side and also register it on

> the client side:


> ClientConfig cc = new DefaultClientConfig();

> cc.getClasses().add(Resolver.class);

> Client c = Client.create(cc);


> and then your test will pass.


> The above uses the JSON JAXB "natural" convention.


> By default Jersey uses it's mapped convention and i think when

> namespaces are required with the mapped convention you need to provide

> a mapping:


All above correct, only the mapped jersey notation namespaces config is here

(what Paul sent was for Jettison's mapped notation, not a big difference actually):


i.e. in your case you need st. like:


Map<String,String> ns2json = new HashMap<String, String>();

         ns2json.put("", "myns");

         context = new JSONJAXBContext(


              .xml2JsonNs(ns2json).build(), types);


and then myns will be visible also in JSON, while by using the natural

notation the namespace usage will be fully transparent to JSON,


I am going to close the issue as invalid, but please feel free to reopen

if you think otherwise.






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