jersey-json _at_Consume POST

From: Gallagher,Patrick <>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 15:08:56 -0500



I am having trouble using my Jaxb Object in a POST that consumes an application/json request. The Jaxb object is generated using the maven2-jaxb-plugin from a .XSD file. I am able to complete this operation using standard XML and even able to generate a response from a GET in JSON format but I am not able to POST JSON data to the service. I received "The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect" when posting the following to the service:




This string is the same string that results from a GET on a simple service call for the object. Can you give any hints as to why this syntax is not parsed correctly by the JSON Marshaller in the jersey-json add-on? As I step through the code, I get a marshaller error just after the JSON token for the first ":" character but cannot really tell why.


Here is the XSD that generate the Jaxb Object:


<xs:schema xmlns:xs= <> elementFormDefault="qualified" ...>

    <xs:element name="create_artifact_request">



                <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">

                <xs:element name="version" type="xs:string" />

                <xs:element name="release_ind" type="xs:boolean" />

                <xs:element name="repository_id" type="xs:int" />

                <xs:element name="repository_path" type="xs:string" />

                <xs:element name="group_id" type="xs:int" />

                <xs:element name="scmr_id" type="xs:int />

                <xs:element name="scmr_revision" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0 /">

                <xs:element name="scmr_path" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />

                <xs:element name="team_number" type="xs:int" />

                <xs:element name="sub_type" type="xs:string" />






Thanks for any guidance you can provide.

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